Steps that have been taken to promote the Four Licensing Objectives
1. The premises will play an active part in any pub watch or similar scheme operating in the area
2. Management will encourage close liaison with the police Neighbourhood Beat Manager for the area in which the premises are situated
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. A suitable CCTV system will be operated at the premises to supplement visual supervision by members of staff
2. Appropriate training will be given to staff who are not holders of Personal Licences
3. Spirits will only be displayed behind the counter, and other alcohol will be displayed in areas affording maximum visual supervision
Public Safety
1. All fire equipment and fire safety measures will be regularly checked and a record of the checks maintained
2. Suitable and sufficient first aid equipment will be available for the treatment of customers and staff
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. A proof of age policy will be rigidly enforced, passports, photo driving licences and identity cards bearing the PASS logo will be the only acceptable forms of identification
2. Members of staff who are not the holders of Personal Licences will receive training in the social and legal responsibilities of retailing alcohol
3. Alcohol and other age - restricted goods will be displayed in areas which will afford the maximum visual supervision by management and staff