Steps taken in order to promote the four Licensing objectives
1. Where activities are run by third parties the event will not be permitted without an acceptable risk assessment being provided and the third party having up to date public liability insurance.
2. All Council run/managed events will be risk assessed and where necessary emergency services notified of all major events.
3. City Centre Wardens patrol City Centre outdoors streets 7 days a week Mon - Sat 10:00 to 17:00 hours.
4. CCTV operates throughout the City Centre and is monitored 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
5. Where recommended by any Risk Assessment Stewards/Security staff will be employed.
6. All major events organised by the City Council or the City Centre Company are risk assessed with where appropriate advice is taken from the Council’s Health & Safety Team. All major events are notified and where appropriate discussed with the Emergency Services.
7. Where events are organised through third parties they are required to provide risk assessments and public liability insurance.
8. Where there is likelihood of noise nuisance event organisers will consult with the Council’s Environmental health officers. If events are being organised by a third party they will be instructed to seek advice and consult with Environmental Health Officers as part of their contract to use the space.
9. All vehicle movements into the pedestrianised streets are, wherever possible, restricted to avoid busy shopping times e.g. no access permitted after 08:30 hrs or before 17:30 hrs.
10. Being a busy shopping centre the area is also very well covered and well known to emergency services who have set access routes into and out of the shopping area.
11. No permissions are given for events which would obstruct emergency access routes.
12. Special effects such as Strobe lighting, smoke, foam, lasers, pyrotechnics, dry ice, bubbles will not be used unless full safety controls are put in place prior to use taking advice from the Council’s Environmental Health offices.
13. Sufficient numbers of staff/stewards who are suitably trained will be provided, depending on the activities or entertainment taking place on site and the likelihood of overcrowding.
14. CCTV does cover main event areas and can monitor locations to enhance the safety of visitors where necessary.
15. The manager or senior member of staff will check at major events to ensure that all risks are minimised and that safe precautions are in place.
16. Lasers will not be used without prior consultation with the Environmental Regulation Service, and compliance with HS(G) 95.
17. Collection of any additional commercial waste/litter will be undertaken by Council staff during there routine visits.
18. Additional rubbish produced by events which may run after normal collection hours will be stored securely for collection the following day.
19. Facilities for depositing litter will be available and the collection of litter generated by visitors to the event will be maintained.
20. The events within the City Centre are designed to be attractive to both adults and children. No entertainment which could be deemed of harm or offensive would be permitted.
21. No entertainment of an adult nature will be provided.