Steps that have been taken to promote the Four Licensing Objectives
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. A close relationship will be maintained with the police, and any specific recommendations they have will be abided by so far as is practicable.
2. All staff will be trained in procedures to be adopted in the unlikely event of a problem and the local police will regularly consulted in order that any perceived problems can be dealt with speedily
Public Safety
1. All recommendations from the statutory bodies, especially the police and the fire and rescue service, will be implemented as far as is practicable
2. Regular fire risk assessments will be carried out and documented
3. Safety equipment available
4. Clear legible signage will be displayed wherever appropriate
5. All staff will be rigorously trained in matters of emergency procedures and regular liaison with the local fire and rescue service will take place
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Particular attention will be paid to minimising all noise emanating from the premises, especially during the evening
2. Patrons and staff will be advised to leave the area quickly and quietly
3. Noise levels will be monitored on a regular basis by a senior member of staff
4. Where ever possible, when live or recorded music is taking place, doors and windows will remain closed except for ingress/egress
5. Signs will be displayed asking persons to leave quietly
The Protection of Children from Harm
All staff will receive special training in the area of under age drinking and persons of indeterminate age will be asked to provide proof of age in the usual documentary forms. Any local schemes to deal with this problem will be enthusiastically adopted