Steps taken to promote the four Licensing objectives
CCTV hasl been installed and is maintained to the satisfaction of the licensing authority and the Police.
A notice is displayed in the customer service area advising patrons that CCTV is in operation
CCTV recordings will be maintained for 62 days
Any instances of Public disorder in or immediately outside the premises will be reported to the police by a member of staff as soon as is practicable
The public are not admitted to any part of the premises other than the customer service area
A no smoking policy is in place in the premises and strictly enforced
Statutory requirements relating to Health & safety (including fire safety) will be observed
The premises will be adequately vented to prevent nuisance from noxious smells
A sufficient number of suitable refuse receptacles (with properly fitted covers) will be provided inside the premises
Refuse receptacles will be maintained in a clean condition, being emptied once during the day and once in the evening
A member of staff will monitor any queues inside and outside the premises
A member of staff will check the pavement area immediately outside the premises at closing time to ensure any litter associated with the premises is disposed of.