Steps taken to promote the four Licensing objectives
These premises will operate as a hotel and the provision of licensable activities will primarily be restricted to residents and their bona fide guests. The conference room and restaurant and bar facilities will be available for use by non-residents, although all supplies of alcohol after 23:00 hours will be restricted to residents at the hotel and their bona fide guests or persons who have arranged a pre-booked function at the premises.
The prevention of crime and disorder
There will be CCTV within the restaurant/bar and common areas of the building, which includes the conference rooms, corridors and reception area.
Conditions that have been agreed with The Licensing Police Authority
Prevention of Crime and disorder
1. Whenever the designated premises supervisor is not at the premises another responsible person will be nominated by the designated premises supervisor as being the person to manage the premises.
2. The premises licence holder and/or the designated premises supervisor or a person nominated by them shall be a member of and regularly attend meetings of any pubwatch scheme for the area within which the premises are located (if relevant)
3. A CCTV system covers the public areas inside the premises (excluding lavatories). It will be maintained in good working order at all times. The images recorded will be of good quality and will be retained for 31 days and made available to the authorities on request. There will be a playback facility of at least 16 frames per second and display time & date.
4. A notice will be displayed at the entrance to the premises advising that CCTV is in operation.
Public safety
5. No open bottles or other vessels will be permitted to be taken from the premises.
6. Wherever possible only glasses, which are made of toughened/safety glass, will be used on the premises.
7. There will be regular glass collection made in all areas of the premises.
8. Free drinking water to be made available at all times from the bar. The fact that this service exists shall be clearly advertised within the premises. A good selection of soft drinks will also be sold at the premises.
9. A daily incident logbook detailing all incidents of note at the premises or in the immediate vicinity e.g. slips, accidents, entry refusals and incidents of disorder etc. The log will detail the date, time, type of incident, brief circumstances, action taken and person dealing. The logbook will be made available for up to six months to Police or any other responsible authority for inspection if required. All relevant incidents will be reported to the police at the earliest opportunity.
10. There will be no irresponsible drinks promotions at the premises.
Protection of children
11. Any person who looks or appears to be under the age of 21 shall be asked to provide identification that they are over the age of 18. The following are only forms of identification acceptable: -
UK photo driving licence
PASS card (proof of age standards scheme)
12. Proof of age checks will take place inside the premises by staff whenever they have doubt about a person's age.
13. Notices obtained from Police publicising the challenge 21 initiative shall be clearly displayed at the entrance to the premises and behind the bar area at all times.