Annex 2 - conditions consistent with the operating schedule
A Supply of alcohol
The authorised hours for the supply of alcohol do not prohibit:
1. during the first twenty minutes after the end of authorised hours, the consumption of the alcohol on the premises;
2. during the first twenty minutes after the end of authorised hours, the taking of alcohol from the premises, unless the alcohol is supplied or taken in an open vessel;
3. during the first thirty minutes after the end of authorised hours, the consumption of the alcohol on the premises by persons taking meals there if the alcohol was supplied as ancillary to the meals;
the supply to, or consumption by, any person of alcohol in any premises where they are residing.
Steps taken to promote the four Licensing objectives
There is a disciplinary procedure for members if needed reprimand up to expulsion if a member wishes to hold a function/family party, he is held responsible for the behaviour of any guest.
The prevention of crime and disorder
Members club, admittance to member and their guests, visiting yachts persons,
Keypad lock on entrance door
No under age serving
No serving of alcohol who appears to have had too much
Bar has metal shutters that can be locked if required
Telephone available
Monitor behaviour throughout session
Public safety
No overcrowding maximum of 80 people for functions
Two main exits plus exit through bar cellar if required
Regular glass collections
Minimum drinks served in bottles
Emergency lighting
No smoking policy
Full health & safety policy
The prevention of public nuisance
No music after midnight
Only members, guests, visiting yachts persons admitted
Windows when we have live music or disco
Encourage people to book taxis in advance
We try to keep them on the premises until the taxi arrives, and remind them before they leave not to be noisy
The protection of children from harm
Family club - children from 3months upwards
No children under fourteen allowed in without controlling adult over 18
No under age (18) drinking
10:00oclock rule - all children under 14years must leave by 10:00hrs - byelaw has dispensation for special occasions