Annex 2 - conditions consistent with the operating schedule
Steps taken to promote the four Licensing objectives
Club management, steward & bar staff are informed of the licensing act 2003 objectives and statutory requirements to comply with all relevant provisions of act.
CCTV with monitors will be installed
The prevention of crime and disorder
Club constitution includes rules governing the conduct of members and guests
Admission is confined to members and guests and is controlled through computerised door entry system
Guests are signed in by host member
Club employees do not admit or serve members or guests who behave in a drunk or disorderly fashion
Public safety
The club complies with health & safety fire precautions, following risk assessment
Preventative and control measures are in place to ensure safety of members and guests, employees and entertainers while on the premises
The club complies with advised capacity limits
Fire action notices are posted.
Emergency routes are posted
The prevention of public nuisance
Signage is displayed near exits requesting members and guest to respect the needs of local residents by leaving premises quietly
When live or recorded music is playing all reasonable steps are taken to avoid any disturbance to neighbouring properties
The protection of children from harm
Persons age 18 and under are only allowed in the club if accompanied
Children/grandchildren of members may be admitted to snooker room for tuition
Door control ensures children seeking admission are accompanied by an adult
Young adults applying for membership must provide proof of age
Children may attend a private party in the function suite
Staff and committee are instructed in the offence provisions of the Licensing act 2003, relating to alcohol and the protection of children