Annex 2 - conditions consistent with the operating schedule
A Supply of alcohol
The authorised hours for the supply of alcohol do not prohibit:
1. during the first twenty minutes after the end of authorised hours, the consumption of the alcohol on the premises;
2. during the first twenty minutes after the end of authorised hours, the taking of alcohol from the premises, unless the alcohol is supplied or taken in an open vessel;
3. during the first thirty minutes after the end of authorised hours, the consumption of the alcohol on the premises by persons taking meals there if the alcohol was supplied as ancillary to the meals;
4. the supply to, or consumption by, any person of alcohol in any premises where they are residing.
B Steps taken in order to promote the four Licensing objectives
1. CCTV in operation.
2. Computerised door entry system with video surveillance.
3. No glass containers to be removed from premises.
4. No open bottles served.
5. Notice asking members to leave club quietly and respect our neighbours.
6. No one served who appears to be inebriated.
7. Band sound level kept in check.
8. Bad behaviour or language not tolerated inside or outside the club. (Member will be called before the committee in the case of such behaviour).
9. All members must be over 18 years of age and proof provided.
10. Proof of age will be requested if any doubt when serving drink.
11. Children must leave the club no later than 20:30 hrs.