Annex 2 - conditions consistent with the operating schedule
A Supply of alcohol
The authorised hours for the supply of alcohol do not prohibit:
1. during the first twenty minutes after the end of authorised hours, the consumption of the alcohol on the premises;
2. during the first twenty minutes after the end of authorised hours, the taking of alcohol from the premises, unless the alcohol is supplied or taken in an open vessel;
3. during the first thirty minutes after the end of authorised hours, the consumption of the alcohol on the premises by persons taking meals there if the alcohol was supplied as ancillary to the meals;
4. the supply to, or consumption by, any person of alcohol in any premises where they are residing.
B Conditions agreed with Environmental Health Authority
Public Nuisance
1. Doors and windows will be kept shut during entertainment.
2. Patrons will be asked no to stand around talking in the street outside the premises or any car park; and asked to leave the vicinity quickly and quietly.
3. A senior member of staff (manager) will assess the impact of any noisy activities on neighbouring premises at the start of the activity/ entertainment and periodically throughout the activity/ entertainment and take action to reduce noise levels if they are found to be excessive/ distinguishable above background levels at the nearest residential property.
C Steps taken in order to promote the four Licensing objectives
1. The committee will ensure all employed staff have the relevant training in their responsibilities under the Licensing Act
2. Trained First Aider.
3. There will always be at least one committee member present during club functions or entertainment
4. At induction all Members are warned about their conduct inside and outside the premises and are reminded at regular intervals both verbally and by way of internal posters. There are procedures in place for any Member/Guest who contravenes this.
5 CCTV system covering the front lobby entrance
6. Children have to vacate the premises by 18:00 hrs.