Steps taken to promote the Four Licensing Objectives
1. All first floor areas will not allow any entrance to members of the public after 23.00hrs (22.30hrs on a Sunday)
2. Final drinks orders for the first floor will be at 23.00hrs (for those dining with us it will be at 00.00hrs)
3. The latest possible bookings for first floor areas will be 22.00hrs
4. There will be no dance floor facilities on the first floor at all
5. Customers will not be allowed to move between the ground floor or first floor (except where an emergency requires)
6. Admittance to the ground floor area will not be for members of the general public
7. Admittance to the ground floor area will be for ‘Pre-bookings’ only
8. Pre-bookings for the ground floor will be made in advance and must be confirmed in advance (no later that 48hrs)
9. Pre-bookings will be ‘checked in’ to ensure no members of the general public enter
10. The entire site will be covered by air conditioning units in the ‘cavern area’ of the property, this will allow all windows/doors to be closed at all times stopping all noise pollution.
11. ‘Management Walk Rounds’ at 00.00hrs will be made every night live music is being played past 00.00hrs, these ‘Walk Rounds’ will be made from 100m outside the building and will require the on duty manager to decide if there is a likelihood of disturbance.
Conditions that have been agreed with the Police Licensing Authority
1. All staff will be fully trained to perform their role. They will also be fully trained in the contents of the operating schedule, the mandatory conditions and all other conditions attached to the premises licence The training will be repeated at least every 4 months
2. The training will be recorded in documentary form that will be available for inspection on request by a member of a relevant authority. The records will be retained for at least 12 months
3. All staff shall be trained in the requirements of the Challenge25 policies, the identification of inebriated people and the correct procedure to be followed when refusing service
4. The training will be documented and repeated at least every four months. The training register will be retained for at least 12 months and be available for inspection on request of any member of a relevant authority
5. The premises licence holder will ensure that a CCTV system which is fully compliant with the guidance contained in the Information commissioners regarding installation of CCTV
6. Images will be retained for a minimum of 31 days
7. The system will be capable of downloading images in a recognisable viewable format
8. At all times the premises are open for business a member of staff will be present who is capable of operating the system and downloading images at the request of police or a member of a responsible authority
9. The CCTV system will be capable of obtaining a clear head and shoulders image of every person entering or leaving the premises
10. The police licensing department will be informed of any periods when the system is inoperative
Conditions agreed with the Environmental Health Authority
Public Nuisance
1. Doors and windows will be kept shut during live or regulated entertainment.
2. The windows and other exit doors will be acoustically glazed or suitably insulated to minimize noise breakout from the premises.
3. The exit door(s) to the Ground Floor and First Floor will be fitted with a suitably constructed lobby to minimize noise breakout.
4. The Licence Holder or nominated person will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable that lobby doors are not open at the same time during live or regulated entertainment.
5. The Licence Holder or nominated person will check prior to the commencement of entertainment and periodically during the entertainment that all windows and doors are shut.
6. No amplified live music will be permitted before midday and after midnight.
7. Before 23:00hours
To prevent entertainment being intrusive, noise emanating from the premises will not be clearly audible 1 metre from the façade of the nearest residential property.
8. Between 23:00 hours and 00:00hours
To prevent entertainment being intrusive, noise emanating from the property will not be clearly distinguishable above other noise 1 metre from the façade of the nearest residential property.
9. Between 00:00 hours and 02:00 hours
To prevent entertainment being intrusive, noise emanating from the premises will not be distinguishable above other background noise one metre from the façade of the nearest residential property.
10. A senior member of staff will be nominated each day as the person responsible for the management, supervision and control of regulated entertainment or similar events, including live and recorded music. The person will be responsible for instructing performers on the restrictions and controls to be applied.
11. The Licence Holder or nominated person will assess the impact of any noisy activities on neighbouring premises at the start of the activity/entertainment and periodically throughout the activity/entertainment and take action to reduce noise levels if they are found to be excessive/distinguishable above background levels at the nearest residential property.
12. The handling of kegs, bottles, cleaning equipment, bottle disposal and similar items will not take place beyond 23:00 or before 08:00 hours when the noise generated could cause a nuisance particularly outside the buildings.
13. The delivery of goods is restricted to the normal working day.
14. A specific taxi operator has been nominated for staff and customers to use. The Company’s telephone number is advertised to customers. The operator and all drivers are aware that they should arrive and depart as quietly as possible, should not sound vehicle horns as a signal of their arrival or leave engines idling unnecessarily. In addition, staff will leave as quietly as possible, particularly at night and early in the morning.
There will be no adult entertainment at this premise.