Conditions agreed with the Environmental Health Authority
1. After 02.00hrs until 08.00hrs there will be total sound containment within the premises
2. Doors and windows will be kept shut during entertainment
Steps that have been taken to promote the four Licensing Objectives
1. Staff banned from drinking on duty
2. Records maintained of any materials incidents within or in immediate vicinity of premises
3. Drugs warning notices on display
4. Zero tolerance to drugs use and dealing
5. Policy on banning customer for misbehaviour within or in vicinity of premises where deemed necessary and appropriate
6. Availability of soft drinks, non-alcoholic and /or low alcohol beverages at all times
7. Food available
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. CCTV system installed on the premises both internally and externally
2. Retention of tapes/discs etc for a minimum of 30 days
3. No cheap alcoholic drinks promotions, cut price drinks or ‘package deals’
4. No drinks hoarding
5. Pro-active policy against ‘binge’ drinking
6. Zero tolerance to offensive conduct
7. Regular glass collection
Public Safety
1. Air conditioning provided
2. Regular dedicated cleaning of premises
3. Limit on number in premises
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Freephone or similar taxi facility
2. Nominated staff to deal with complaints from neighbours
3. CCTV and/or regular monitoring of external areas of premises at night
Protection of Children from Harm
1. Warning notices in place in relation to under-age drinking
2. No entry to anyone under the age of 18 years