Annex 3 - Conditions attached after a hearing by the licensing authority
1. Whenever the designated premises supervisor is not at the premises another responsible person will be nominated by the designated premises supervisor as being the person to manage the premises.
2. All full time staff to be personal licence holders.
3. CCTV to be installed to comply with the ‘UK Police requirements for Digital CCTV Systems’.
4. CCTV cameras to be kept clean and maintained at all times.
5. CCTV images will be retained for a minimum of 25 days.
6. The CCTV system will have the capability of downloading the images to a recognised format.
7. A register will be kept detailing all requests by Police for CCTV images. This will include time and date of request, time, date and location of the incident, time and date of hand on to Police.
8. Only authorised staff will be permitted to download images. Upon request of footage by any responsible authority CCTV footage will be provided as soon as is practicably possible.
9. The Police Licensing Department will be informed if the CCTV system is not working.
10. A daily incident logbook detailing all incidents of note at the premises or in the immediate vicinity e.g. slips, accidents, entry refusals and incidents of disorder etc. The log will detail the date, time, type of incident, brief circumstances, action taken and person dealing. The logbook will be made available for up to six months for the police or any other responsible authority to inspect, if required. All relevant incidents will be reported to the police at the earliest opportunity.
11. Staff will not be permitted to drink alcohol whilst on duty.
12. No all inclusive drink promotions will be offered.
13. Drugs warning notices on display.
14. Zero tolerance to drugs use and dealing.
15. No open bottles or other drinking vessels to be permitted to be taken from the premises.
16. All staff and managers will be made aware of the conditions attached to the licence.
17. All staff to receive documented training on induction and at least every six months in the prevention of under aged sales, drug awareness, assessment of customer’s alcohol consumption, the prevention of alcohol sales to drunks and all conditions attached to the premises licence.
18. Documentation recording the time, date, subject and duration of training shall be kept. This will include the persons attending and the person delivering the training.
19. Suitable signage will be displayed at the exit to request the co-operation of patrons, in particular to make as little noise as possible when leaving the premises.
20. Management will maintain control of the outside area and will ensure noise caused by their patrons whilst outside the premises is minimised at all times.
21. All beer glasses used on the premises for the sale of drinks must be made of plastic or toughened glass. When replacing any form of drinking glassware they must be replaced with plastic or toughened glass.
22. The voluntary door entry buzzer system is to be in operation from 07.00hr to 11.00hrs Monday to Sunday in order to give the management more control over who enters the premises.