Conditions agreed with the Licensing Police Authority
Conditions relating to the prevention of crime and disorder
1. CCTV system working and recording good quality images.
2. The recorded image to be kept for a period of 14 days.
3. The Police licensing department will be informed if the CCTV system is not working properly.
4. A notice will be displayed at the entrance advising CCTV is in operation.
5. Lighting within the premises will not undermine the quality of the recorded image.
1. All incidents of disorder inside and immediately outside the premise will be reported to the Police as soon as possible.
Steps taken in order to promote the four Licensing objectives
2. Toughened glasses will be used.
3. A no tolerance policy in respect of anti social behaviour and drugs.
4. Staff are trained in personal and social responsibilities, under age drinking, drugs and drunkenness.
5. Range of hot food/drink to be available as will as soft drinks and water.
6. Cheap drink promotions to be avoided to reduce binge drinking.
7. Staff are trained in basic fire safety, health and safety and food safety.
8. Fire risk assessment in place with occupancy limits for licensable areas.
9. Emergency lighting in place.
10. First aid box to be available on request.
11. Regular electrical and CORGI registered gas inspections.
12. Adequate signage around wet floors.
13. Both female and male toilets to be regularly checked by staff.
14. Sufficient ventilation systems.
15. Doors and windows to be kept closed.
16. Measures taken to ensure customers leave quietly and respect the residential area.
17. Taxis and waiting minibuses requested to switch their engines off rather than leaving them idle for long periods of time.
18. Taxi numbers to be available.
19. Premises policy that anyone who asks for alcohol and appears to be 21 or under will be required to prove their age before they are served, unless the bar staff are certain (from personal knowledge or because they have seen proof of age on a previous occasion) that the person is 18 or over.
20. Passport, photo driving licenses, or PASS accredited hologram cards will be sufficient as proof of age.
21. Staff will be trained on policy and notices advising customers will be displayed at the bar.