Steps that have been taken to promote the Four Licensing Objectives
CC TV will be installed and maintained to the satisfaction of the Licensing Authority
A notice will be displayed advising the patrons that CCTV is in operation
Recordings will be maintained for 31 days
Adequate staffing levels will be maintained with staff banned from drinking alcohol when on duty. Staff will be trained appropriate to their role by a personal licence holder
Drug warning notices will be displayed with a zero tolerance policy in place
There is a policy of banning customers for misbehaviour within or in the vicinity of the premises where deemed necessary or appropriate
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
Any instances of public disorder in or immediately outside the premises will be reported to the police by a member of staff as soon as practicable
The entrance door to the premises will have a security lock operated by a swipe card which will be issued to members of the St Budeaux Community Association. Admission to the premises will be to members of the Association and their guests.
There will be no cheap alcoholic drinks promotions, cut price drinks or ‘package deals’. In fact the Applicant operates a pro-active policy against ‘binge’ drinking and ‘drink hoarding’
Regular glass and bottle collection operates throughout
There is a zero tolerance policy to offensive conduct
Public Safety
A no smoking policy is in place in the premises and strictly enforced
Statutory requirements relating to health and safety (including fire safety) will be observed; to this end, there will be regular inspection of electrical installation, fire safety equipment, emergency lighting and gas installation; staff are trained in at least minimum hygiene standards; health and safety risks for staff and customers are conducted, there is regular dedicated cleaning of the premises, specific food hygiene standards are complied with
There are facilities, and staff assistance, for the disabled
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
A sufficient number of suitable refuse receptacles with properly fitted covers will be provided inside the premises. Refuse receptacles will be maintained in a clean condition, being emptied once during the day and once in the evening
A member of staff will check and ensure that exit doors do remain closed during opening hours to prevent the emanation of any background music. A senior member of staff will assess the impact of any noisy activities/entertainment on neighbouring premises at the start of the activity/entertainment and periodically throughout the activity/entertainment and take action to reduce noise levels if they are found to be distinguishable above background levels at the nearest noise sensitive property. Doors and windows will be kept shut during entertainment.
Advisory notices requesting customers leave the premises quietly will be on display
The Protection of Children from Harm
A proof of age policy agreed by the police and Local Authority will be enforced. Signs will be displayed on the premises showing that it is an offence for anyone under the age of 18 to purchase alcohol in these premises, and these signs will inform customers that anyone who looks under 21 years of age will be asked for accredited photo ID and staff will be appropriately trained in implementing this policy as set out below.
There will be no entry to anyone under the age of 18 unless accompanied by an adult. No consumption of alcohol by anyone under the age of 18 will be permitted.
Full training for staff in the law specifically relating to minors and alcohol and specific photographic identification and proof of age requirements will be provided