Conditions that have been agreed with the Licensing Police Authority
1. No irresponsible drinks promotions or all inclusives
2. No drinks hoarding
3. A record will be kept of all material incidents inside and directly outside the premises
4. Where the premises is within an area for which club/pub watch meetings operate then a representative from the premises should actively participate in those meetings
5. All incidents of disorder both within and directly outside the premises will be reported to the Police at the earliest opportunity
6. Police Officers will be afforded all possible assistance in the course of their investigations that relate directly to the premise
7. All material evidence resulting from a criminal incident will be preserved for Police forensic examination
Conditions relating to the Protection of Children from Harm
1. Children under the age of 18 years will not be allowed entry when any entertainment of an adult or sexual nature is taking place
2. A full range of reasonably priced soft drinks will openly be on offer
3. Only a valid driving licence, passport or Proof of Age Standards Scheme will be accepted as proof of identification
4. Any child in distress either within the premises or from outside will be afforded assistance to make contact with an appropriate adult of their choice
5. Any child found to be buying, attempting to buy or consuming alcohol or being involved in any incident will be dealt with in a responsible manner
Conditions Relating to Public Nuisance
1. Where patrons exit onto residential area’s notices will be displayed asking them to move away quietly
Conditions Relating to The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. CCTV system working and recording good quality images of the public areas (excluding lavatories)
2. The recorded image to be kept for a period of 14 days
3. The Police licensing department will be informed if the CCTV system is not working properly
4. A notice will be displayed at the entrance advising CCTV is in operation
5. Lighting within the premise will not undermine the quality of the recorded image
Bottles and Glasses
1. No open bottles or drinks containers will be taken from the premises
2. Regular glass collection from all public areas