Steps that have been taken to promote the Four Licensing Objectives
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. The premises has the benefit of CCTV facilities
2. The management team is to undergo formal licensing training and to obtain Personal Licenses
3. All licensable activities being conducted on the premises will be closely supervised and monitored by a disciplined and fully trained management team
4. Managers and staff regularly undergo training in relation to all aspects of operational management, to include the control of underage drinking, drunkeness on the premises, the use of drugs and violent and anti-social behaviour
5. The management team have a good working relationship with the police and they are committed to ensuring that this continues
6. All entrances to the premises are locked at midnight. Persons wishing to enter the premises thereafter do so by using the entry phone or with the assistance of reception which is manned 24 hrs a day
Public Safety
1. The safety of persons attending the premises will be secured by the diligent and effective supervision by managers and staff, all of whom receive on an ongoing basis suitable training and instruction
2. Adequate numbers of first aiders will be present
3. There are no pyrotechnic displays within the premises
4. Evacuation measures are in place and managers and staff are trained to effectively manage
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. Guests attending functions are dispersed at the end of the evening as quickly and as quietly as possible, by disciplined and effective management. Further, the hotel has existing arrangements with local taxi companies
2. All entertainment will be controlled by using recognised suppliers, or following detailed enquiries with nominated suppliers
3. The levels of noise from the performance of music is carefully controlled by vigilant and effective management
4. The outside pavement area situated on the ground floor of the premises, on Armada Way, would be closely supervised by trained managers, and staff and service of alcohol and food will be by way of waiter/waitress service only. The outside pavement area will be used between 10.00hrs and 18.00hrs
5. Areas outside the premises are adequately lit
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. Rooms are not let to persons under the age of 18 years
2. Access to pay movies can be restricted at check in