A) Conditions that have been agreed with The Environmental Health Authority
Public Nuisance
Suitable signage at the exit to request the co-operation of patrons to make as little noise as possible when leaving the premises
A senior member of staff (manager) will assess the impact of any noisy activities on neighbouring premises at the start of the activity/entertainment and periodically throughout the activity/entertainment and take action to reduce noise levels if they are found to be escessive/distinguishable above background levels at the nearest residential property
Management will control the sound levels of the music/entertainment
Between 00.00hrs and 02.00hrs
Noise emanating from the premises will not be distinguishable above back ground levels one metre from the facade of the nearest residential property
After 02.00hrs until 08.00hrs
Total sound containment within the premises
B) Steps that have been taken to promote the Four Licencsing Objectives
a) The prevention of crime and disorder
. The whole area is covered by CCTV and has 24/7 security guards in attendance this is above and beyond any security/stewards used for individual events which are outlined below.
The venues would use a mixture of bottles, glass and plastic drinks receptacles to operate dependant on time and event. All our glass is nucleated (toughened glass) that will shatter into tiny pieces if broken. On high capacity events nights we would move all the drink receptacles over to plastic to reduce the incidences of breakages. This is a preventative measure from a crime and disorder perspective but is more for safety as it reduces the risk from broken glass on the floor. Bottles are always sold across the bar but we have drop bins around the venue and staff are always employed to ensure that bottles are removed from the venue as soon as practical.
. We would not allow drinks bottles or glasses out of the venue. We'd manage this
through a number of different means. Bottle dump bins at the exit for people to throwaway empties. Signage on all exits informing customers that drinks are not allowed outside and to enforce the policy on nightclub nights the door staff and licensed security would monitor and check patrons on exit.
. We will offer drinks promotions to our customers but we feel that we do so in a
responsible manner to reduce the dangers of binge drinking and the effects of alcohol on the students. If we run a promotion it is never done so in a time sensitive manner ie. we will not do 'happy hours' nor do we do all inclusive entry and drink offers. What we will do is offer a different product at a reduced rate (never below £1) that is available all the time that we are open. We feel that this reduces speed drinking to try and get the most out of a promotion. We also ensure that we regularly put on promotions for soft drinks.
. Additional to our responsible policies on promotions we further reduce the risk of binge
drinking by refusing to sell self mixed cocktails, chasers or multiple drink offers. What this in effect means is that if a customer is approaching the bar to buy a round of drinks we will not sell them a round of shots or chasers to take back with them and 'down'. Staff are also encouraged to keep a vigilant eye out for drinkers who appear to have had enough and we will happily ask students to leave if we felt that they have passed their healthy limit.
. We are members of the North Hill and Mutley Plain Pub watch and the local club watch
and have signed up for the CCTV control radio so that we have quick contact with police and other licensees.
. On quieter nights we commit to always having at least one member of SIA registered
staff on duty whilst we are open and if we are open past 23:00hrs on any given night a minimum of 2 SIA security staff. All security staff will display the correct badge confirming registration. A
female will be included where possible so that we can carry out female searches and check the ladies toilets. All security staff will be in a set uniform to make them easily identifiable on cctv.
. All our operational venue staff (duty managers, bar staff and security) are regularly
trained on crime prevention measures. These include monitoring of the venue, drugs awareness and conflict management. It is fair to say the Students' Union and the University as a whole has a very good record in regard to crime and disorder considering the size of the venue and its popularity.
. We will have signs up on our nightclub entrance announcing that we reserve the right to
search customers on entering the venue and we do so both randomly and people with large coats or bags to try and reduce any drugs, weapons or unauthorised alcohol entering our venue.
. The Students' Union will have CCTV covering all public areas backed with recording for
the purposes of monitoring and preventing problems and in aiding any inquiries from the police or internally.
. The whole venue will be lit for varying uses but no area is dark and secluded so as to
attract people wishing some privacy so as to carry out mischief.
. In addition to the cctv coverage the venue will be monitored constantly by our venue
staff (duty managers, security, glass collectors and House supervisors) to ensure that we are operating safely. These staff use hand held radios to communicate between each other. This includes regular sweeps of the whole building including the toilets.
. We place signage up telling customers that we will prosecute any offenders and that we
share such information of bans with our partners in the Pubwatch scheme.
. We keep an incident log that records all incidents that happen in the venue including
public disorder and crime and in all instances the police will be afforded all assistance possible in the course of criminal investigations, enquiries and crime prevention.
b) Public safety
. We promote sensible drinking through our safe space policy, Corporate social
responsibility initiatives and we also run a campaign called 'If you do drink, don't do drunk' which focuses on sensible drinking and the health effects of alcohol. Additionally we run a student lifestyle challenge every year to encourage people to look at the health implications of drinking and look at healthier ways to enjoy themselves and limit the amount that they drink.
. We always sell and run promotions on soft drinks.
. We run and annual campaign surrounding drink spiking that has received national
acclaim and support from Members of Parliament. This includes posters, presentations and small 'spike' drink markers that officers put on the top of drinks that have been unattended to raise awareness. We also offer spike caps to people who purchase bottles at the bar. These caps click on and cannot be removed and stop the possibility of drink spiking.
. We operate a zero tolerance policy on drugs in our venue and are vigilant for the signs
of abuse in the venue and toilets. We always report any incidences to the police and retain. the union card of anyone caught in possession. We also operate a random search policy on all entrants backed up with signage. We have a secure safe to place any confiscated drugs until recovered by the police.
. As discussed in the previous appendix we operate a 'Safe Space' Policy that means that
all people are welcome and protected irrespective of race or sexual preference. Indeed students' unions nationally are regarded as safe places for young people to be themselves and express themselves without fear of judgement from their peers.
. Our capacity is monitored throughout the evening using clickers for people entering
and leaving so that we always have an accurate tally on customers in the venue.
. The venue will be checked for safety on a regular basis, both internally and by the
University staff. We ensure that all surfaces are slip resistant where possible, everything is clean and safe and we use lighting to ensure that the venue is as safe as possible (e.g. lit stair nosings and low ceilings)
. All of our events and entertainment activities are monitored by the staff and appropriate
levels of stewarding are provided to ensure safe crowd management.
. Any use of special effects such as stobes and lasers are always carried out in line with
current legislation and signed accordingly in the venue for public information.
. All of our Gas and Electrical services are checked annually by the University or one of
their nominated, qualified contractors and have historically been forwarded to the appropriate authorities. We carry out regular portable appliance testing.
. All our fire exits will be signed and maintained in good order and all fire equipment is
checked by the university regularly. All alarms and emergency lighting is also checked on a regular basis.
. We have facilities for disabled customers and they are being improved at present ready
for opening.
. We always have a qualified first aider on site whilst open and first aid kits are available
throughout the venue for this purpose.
. All spillages and hazardous waste is cleaned up immediately it is discovered by trained
staff wearing appropriate PPE.
. All glazing in venue areas is appropriate to purpose, Le. coated to ensure that it cannot
shatter and cause harm.
. All amplified music can be overridden by venue staff in case of need to ensure public
announcements in emergencies.
c) The prevention of public nuisance
. Noise emissions from the venues are low and not in areas where there are residences
so there should be no disturbance..
. On busy nightclub nights we will probably have a queue. This is controlled in two ways.
The physical location is controlled by licensed security staff monitoring the queue to ensure that people are behaving well as well as meeting the requirements for entry (age, physical state etc). We wouls also ensure that we ran a sufficient number of cashiers to ensure that the queue was moved in fast and safely.
. We are applying for times in our application that will allow us to operate a softer finish to
most nightclubs and as such minimise the negative effects of large crowds dispersing across the city. Most of our customers (students) live either on campus or very close by so dispersal is not such an issue as it can be elsewhere. Even so we do ensure, with security staff, that they disperse in a safe and responsible manner. Additionally we run an campaigns to raise awareness of the local residences and that students should be considerate of others when making their way home from the venue this will be backed up with signage in the venue.
-. We currently have an arrangement with Taxifast, a local taxi provider, and they have
, . . installed two free phones in our Students' Union venue so that customers can call taxis before
they leave the venue and as such do not need to be waiting around on the streets for taxis to
hail as it also helps with the safety of people walking home late at night.
. All our waste is disposed of on site at the end of the night or in the morning. The location
of the venue and bins is such that any noise is not in an area that should upset local residences. .
. Most venues are fully ventilated and improvements of the system are being made in the
coming year to further reduce the harm from smoke and heat. Additionally we are moving to larger areas of the venue as designated non-smoking spaces and in line with proposed law the whole venue will become non-smoking. This is both for the comfort and safety of staff and customers and in anticipation of future legislation as we feel that measures put in place now will make the transition easier in the future should a ban be agreed by government.
. All deliveries are made during daytime hours to the back of the venue and should have
no impact on the public or students.
d) The protection of children from harm
As discussed in appendix 9 (N) there only two activities that take place in the venue that would be of concern with regard to children and they are the sale of alcohol and the licensed gambling machines (£25 jackpot).
If we are running any events either in day or evening where under 18s mighht be present then the gambling machines will be switched off and not usable.
We are looking at running events in the day and evening specifically aimed at the under 18 age group or for mixed age groups - examples might be discos run in collaberation with local shools, community events with local communty groups such as Plymouth Musicians Collective. Where necessary and in compliance with any relevant laws we would have qualified staff in attendance to deal with minors.
We are also intending to run events that would appeal to a wide age group - specifically but not limited to national touring bands (this is to provide a service in the culteral sector in between the smaller pub venues and the larger Pavilions) like the Pavilions this would only be a success and commercially viable if under 18s were allowed. We would insist that any under 14s would need to be accompanied by an adult. We will positively identifty all people attending an event of this nature by handstamps or similar identifing both under and over 18s. Under 18s will not be allowed at the bars serving alcohol and would instead have to use a dedicated soft drink area. All security and bar staff would be briefed and additional checks made backed up with signage to ensure that no under 18s were able to purchase alcohol or for anyone to purchase it on their behalf. Anyone doing so would be warned by signs and other methods that they would be ejected from the venue immediately with no refund. These type of event would be very specific and have the main act as the central reason for attendance. If we remained open after the act then all under18s would be asked to leave the venue.
. We rarely show films in our venue due to the high cost of relevant licenses but if they
were are part of a promotion or similar then we would ensure proceedures were in place to stop any under age people gaining access.
. We have a clear policy on door entry to our evening venue that is given to all security,
bar and venue staff with regard to age and proof of ID. This is then included in their induction and ongoing staff training so that we can make every possible effort to stop underage drinking.
" Random checks are carried out, not just on the door, but at the bar when customers are making purchases. We only accept the approved forms of identification and if there is any doubt customers will be refused entry or service.
. We always carry a full range of soft drinks and regularly put them on promotion to
encourage people to drink sensibly. These are available all the time that we are open.