Steps that have been taken to promote The Four Licensing Objectives
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. Toughened and plastic glasses used
2. Drop bins in place for bottles
3. Staff employed to ensure bottles are removed as soon as practicable
4. Signage on all exits informing customers that drinks are not allowed outside the premises
5. Pro-active policy against ‘binge’ drinking
6. Members of North Hill and Mutley Plain Pub Watch scheme and have signed up to the CCTV control radio to allow quick contact with police and other licensees
7. SIA licensed door staff are employed
8. All of our operational staff are (duty managers, bar staff and security) are regularly trained on crime prevention measures. These include monitoring of the venue, drugs awareness and conflict management
9. Signage is in place in our nightclub entrance announcing that we reserve the right to search customers on entering the venue
10. We have 32 CCTV cameras around the venue that record digitally onto hard drives, data is kept for 14 days
11. The CCTV cameras are maintained regularly, any repairs are done immediately and the police are informed
12. The whole venue is lit for varying uses but there are no dark areas
13. Signage in place telling customers that any offenders are prosecuted and such information is shared with our partners in the Pubwatch Scheme
14. We keep an incident log that records all incidents that happen in the venue including public disorder and crime and in all instances the police will be afforded all assistance possible in the course of criminal investigations, enquiries and crime prevention
Public Safety
1. We promote sensible drinking
2. We always sell and run promotions on soft drinks
3. We run an annual campaign surrounding drink spiking
4. Zero tolerance to drugs use. Any incidences are reported to the police and union card is retained of anyone caught in possession
5. We operate a random search policy that is backed up by signage
6. We have a secure safe to place any confiscated drugs until recovered by the police
7. We operate a ‘safe place’ policy which means that all people are welcome and protected irrespective of race or sexual preference
8. Clickers are used to count people entering and leaving the premise
9. Any use of special effects such as strobes and lasers are always carried out in line with current legislation
10. All of our Gas and Electrical services are checked annually
11. All of our fire exits are signed and maintained in good order and all fire equipment is checked regularly. All alarms and emergency lighting is also checked on a regular basis
12. We have disabled facilities
13. A qualified first aider is always on site and first aid kits are available throughout the venue
14. All spillages and hazardous waste is cleaned up immediately it is discovered
15. All glazing in venue is appropriate to purpose
16. All amplified music can be overridden by venue staff in case of need to ensure public announcements in emergencies
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Entry will not be allowed after 02.00hrs
2. Queues are controlled by security staff who also monitor the requirements for entry (age, physical state etc)
3. The outside garden bar is situated away from public and residential areas. It is kept clean and will only be used up until 23.00hrs
4. Freephone taxi facility available
5. Waste is disposed of at the end of the night or in the morning.
6. The location of the venue and bins is such that any noise is not in an area that could upset local residences. All glass is gathered and disposed of in a recycle container
7. The venue is fully ventilated
8. All deliveries are made during daytime hours to the back of the venue
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. Staff ensure that minors using the building do not operate any gambling or AWP machines
2. Children are not allowed to sit and eat in the area surrounding the main bar when it is open during the day
3. Children are not allowed (unless in an organised group in a specific area that is not serviced by a bar that is not serving alcohol) on the premise after 19.00hrs
4. Only approved form of identification are accepted
5. Soft drinks are available at all times
6. Children must be accompanied by an adult, other than this minors are not allowed in the venue unless in a designated separate area that is not open to other customers and does not have sales of alcohol