Steps taken to promote the four Licensing objectives
When holding licensable events, regard will be had, as appropriate to the principles set out in the below guides, where considered necessary or appropriate the measure indicated in the below guides will be undertaken:
1.The Model National and standard conditions for Places of Public entertainment and associated guidance ISBN 1 904031 110
2.The event safety guide - A guide to health, safety and welfare at music and similar events ISBN 07176 2453 6
3. Managing crowds safely ISBN 07176 1834 X
4. 5 Steps to risk Assessment: Case studies ISBN 07176 15804
5. Guide to fire precautions in Existing Places of entertainment and like premises ISBN 011 340907
Staff who are engaged on activities which can have a bearing on the licensing objectives will receive training as part of the induction process on the ways that the objectives are protected at this particular property. Additional refresher training will be given as we feel is appropriate.
Public Safety
In accordance with statutory requirement, a risk assessment will be completed and measures taken to reduce any significant risks to a level that is reasonably achieved. Because a risk assessment must be dynamic and the nature of events is variable, it is not possible to submit a completed assessment with this application. Enforcement officers are of course welcome to view any such assessment prior, during or immediately after any particular event.
In relation to any licensed activity:
1. Copies of risk assessments will be requested from any sub-contractors
2. Electrical systems will be designed and maintained in accordance with the electricity at work Regulations 1989 and regard will be had to the current codes of practice on electrical installations.
3. For events with over 1000 capacity, a safety co-coordinator will be nominated to assist in the monitoring of safety.
4. Adequate lighting will be maintained at all times to a level that will facilitate emergency egress from any licensed area.
5. An evacuation plan will be developed and maintained, which will be advised to all relevant member of staff.
6. Adequate access will be maintained for emergency vehicles on property under our ownership and control whilst the premises are open to the public.
7. Subject to no conservation issues, we will undertake to ensure that materials such as curtains and fabrics on licensed areas are fire retardant.
8. Structural surveys will be conducted of nay parts of the building to which the public have access in accordance with the recommendations of our buildings team and any defects that might have a significant impact on public safety will be carried out, or the public excluded from the area that posses the risk. The inspection interval will be no less that that which is recommended by the competent person who carried out the previous inspection.
9. The property had comprehensive fire detection and warning systems, with detectors fitted in all rooms. Fire precautions measures, as indicated on the attached plan, will be kept in place unless otherwise agreed with the fire Authority. Advise on occupancy figures will be sought from the fire Authority as appropriate.
10. Before any specific event involving more than 1000 people at any one time and where any structures are erected for the purpose housing licensable activity, a plan will be prepared showing the location and nature of the structures, the public area and any restricted areas intended for performers.
11. Any temporary structure such as a marquee which are used for a licensable activity will comply with such reasonable advice and guidance as is agreed in writing from time to time with the Fire Authority.
12. Fire detection and warning systems will be tested at regular intervals and a record if the test maintained in a logbook Fire fighting equipment will be checked and serviced in accordance with manufacturers recommendations.
13. First aid provision will be made in accordance with statutory requirements.
14. When holding licensable events a sufficient number if staff will be engaged to assist in safe access and egress from the property. The number of staff required will be determined on a case-by-case basis in accordance with our risk assessment and the above guidance, depending on the nature and size of the event.
15. Sufficient quantities of water will be supplied free of charge whilst any regulated entertainment is provided.
16. Where seating in rows is provided at any event, we will ensure that the recommendations of the "yellow guide" are followed, unless there is a reasonable reason for not doing so.
17. We will implement further measures that are subsequently agreed in writing between us and the officer for health and safety or the fire officer.
The prevention of public nuisance
1. The trust takes a responsible approach in relation to the impact of its activities and no problems have, to the best of our knowledge, been caused by licensable activities in the past but we will assess the likelihood of any impact on neighbours from time to time and implement such measures as we consider necessary or are agreed in writing with the Environmental Health officer. These may include dispersal procedures, a contact telephone number in case of any problems arising, sound monitoring and the display of notices indicating the opening times.
The protection of Children form Harm
1. The general trend for children to visit the property accompanied by a parent/guardian/teacher.
Where children are present at events, adult supervision will be requested of the accompanying adult or maintained by staff at all times. Staff who are supervising children will be advised as to fire precautions and the evacuation plan.
2. Where films are to be shown, children will only be admitted in accordance with the British Board of Film Classification rating or, in the case of films not rated by BBFC, where the film has been made or previously broadcast with a view to being suitable for presentation to children (For example, a television programme that has previously been broadcast during the day).
3. If we believe that there is an activity, which poses a special and unacceptable risk to children, no admittance will be permitted for children to the area of that risk can be reduced to a level that is reasonable. Where it suspected that any person purchasing alcohol is under age, proof of age will normally be required.
4. Any additional measures that are subsequently agreed in writing between the Body Responsible for advising on Child Protection and ourselves will be implemented.