A Supply of alcohol
The authorised hours for the supply of alcohol do not prohibit:
1. during the first twenty minutes after the end of authorised hours, the consumption of the alcohol on the premises;
2. during the first twenty minutes after the end of authorised hours, the taking of alcohol from the premises, unless the alcohol is supplied or taken in an open vessel;
3. during the first thirty minutes after the end of authorised hours, the consumption of the alcohol on the premises by persons taking meals there if the alcohol was supplied as ancillary to the meals;
4. the supply to, or consumption by, any person of alcohol in any premises where they are residing.
B Steps that have been taken to promote the Four Licensing Objectives
1. The club is responsible to the centre management committee who deal with all instances of bad behaviour and any infringement of club rules
2. The club has a zero tolerance toward underage, binge or excessive drinking and to the used or supply drugs
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. There is a committee member present each time club is open
2. The club is for members and guests only
3. The management committee deals with all disciplinary matters
4. The duty steward has the right to close the bar if he feels safety and good order are compromised
Public Safety
1. The centre has a Public Liability Insurance and we liaise with the relevant authorities to ensure we keep the premises in a safe condition
2. The general public is not admitted except as a private let. Names and addresses of all attending are required at least 14 days before the event
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. The club is set well away from the main road and any local housing. The stone built Fort contains any noise.
2. On site parking in the courtyard
3. Any complaints from the Public would be dealt with.
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. Children are admitted to the club only in the company of parents/guardians. Members are warned that they are responsible for their children at all times