We will sign up to become a member of Pubwatch and will ensure a representative attends meetings and participates in all initiatives.
We have a policy in place for the safe management of large groups. We will ensure there is an area for customers to leave their personal belongings.
We will offer food in the venue whilst the premises is open.
Full staff training will be given on each four licensing objectives where necessary to ensure we are complying at all times. Refusals will be logged and able to be presented on request.
All staff will be trained on the following information - Challenge 25 policy within the venue and acceptable forms of ID, the hours & activities permitted within the license, how to complete and maintain the refusal license, recognising the signs of drunkenness, the operating procedures for refusing service to any one who is drunk, under age or appears to be making a proxy purchase, the operating procedures for refusing service, how to act in an emergency.
All training records will be documented and stored in 12 month intervals and will be available upon inspection.
We will have an incident log to include any incidents of disorder or of a violent ant-social nature, crimes reported to the venue or to the police, ejections of patrons, complaints received, seizures of drugs or weapons, any issues with the CCTV system and any visits but a responsible authority or emergency service. Records will be completed within 24 hours of any incident and will contain all the relevant information and will be kept for a minimum of 12 months and will be available upon request.
We will have a written vulnerability & safeguarding policy which all members of staff will be trained upon and will sign to show they have read this policy and understand.
A written risk assessment will be in place for the requirement of SIA licensed door supervisors on days other than Friday & Saturday where there will be 2 door supervisors from 9pm until close up to 100 people, thereafter there will be an additional door supervisor for every 100 thereafter.
The premise will have a written vulnerability and safeguarding policy, which all members of staff will be directed to read and sign that they have read the policy.
A search policy will be in place and will include procedures for the confiscation of prohibited articles, such as drugs and weapons.
We will operate and maintain a digital colour CCTV system to the satisfaction of the Police which will cover all public areas, including entry & exit points. It will record clear images, continually record, have constant and accurate dates & times, store recordings for a minimum of 31 days and will be available on request. You will be able to download images into a recognisable format.
The capacity of the premises identified though a formal written Fire Assessment is 320 but will be operating to a capacity of 180, this will be recorded via our bookings system as well as via clickers and recorded in the security log when door supervisors are in operation.
All staff will be trained in the legality and procedure of alcohol sales via on line training on starting with the company and will then have refresher training throughout the year along with completing the online courses every 12 months.
We will have written age verification policy in relation to the sale or supply of alcohol, which will specify a Challenge 25 proof of age requirement. This means that staff working at the premises must ask individuals who appear to be under 25 years of age, attempting to purchase alcohol, to produce identification. The only acceptable identification documents are, a valid photo driving licence, valid passport or a PASS identification card. Without these documents, alcohol sales will be refused and logged.
The prevention of crime and disorder
We will have SIA registered door supervisors who will carry their badges at all time and will be identifiable via CCTV. We will have 2 door supervisors on a Friday & Saturday evening from 21 :00 hours until the venue is closed with one being on the front door at all times and the other roaming the venue. All door supervisors will have a multi channel radio along to communicate with other door supervisors and the DPS along with a Town Centre radio link. All door supervisors will sign in via a register/logbook with their names, date, license numbers and the time of arrival and exit of the venue.
We will have a C.C.T.V system approved by the Police and the Licensing Authority installed and will maintain recordings for the appropriate period agreed with the Police & Licensing Authority. If there are issues with our system we will ensure the relevant personal are informed and will action the fix of the equipment. We will display signs to state we are using CCTV in the venue and will ensure there is at least one camera at the front of the venue in operation at all times.
All drinks will be served in toughened glass. All bottles will be opened and not removed from the venue. Any bottle bins will be out of customers reach/view and will only be accessible to staff. We will have regular glass collections from tables to ensure no glasses are left out when not in use.
We have a capacity limit of 175 within the venue including the outside seating area.
We will operate a challenge 25 proof of age policy.
We will not run any irresponsible drinks promotions. If we run any drinks promotions we will ensure the DPS or a personal license holder is present and oversees these.
We will operate a zero tolerance policy to drugs and anyone found with or taking drugs in the venue will be removed and their details taken to be reported. Any drugs confiscated will be stored securely until collections and will be logged on a drugs register.
We will display signs within the venue to warn customers about leaving items unattended as well as displaying a Customer Code of contact poster informing customers that they can be barred from all licensed premises in the vicinity if they do not behave in an appropriate manner. We will display any restrictions relating to the admission of children to the premises on the door/window to the venue.
Public safety
We will conduct a suitable Fire Risk Assessment at the premises and will implement any control measures. All exit doors will be easily operable without the use of a key/code and will be regularly checked to ensure they are functioning satisfactorily and records of these checks will be available to be produced on request. Any removable security fastenings will be removed whenever the premises is open. All fire doors will be maintained, unobstructed and effectively self closing and will not be held open. Step & stair edges will be appropriately highlighted. Any hangings, curtains or temporary decoration will not obstruct any exits, fire safety regulations or fire-fighting equipment. Notices detailing the actions to be taken in the event of fire or other emergency will be prominently displayed and maintained in good condition. Any access provided for emergency vehicles will be kept clear and free from obstruction. Fire drill & emergency lighting tests will be conducted and records of these tests will be available to produce on request. All fire exits and routes of escape will be signed correctly with the correct signs. An evacuation policy will be in places that is to the satisfaction to the Fire Authority and all staff members will be trained on these procedures. Exit doors will open outwards. Adequate arrangements and policies will be in place to enable to the safe movement within the premises of disabled people and as well as their safe evacuation in the event of an emergency.
Adequate and appropriate First Aid equipment and materials will be available on the premises along with having at least one suitable trained First Aider on shift when the premises is open, if there is more than one of shift it will be clearly outlined who the First Aider for that shift will be. First Aiders will be trained to deal with drug and alcohol related problems which will then be relayed to staff members.
In the absence of adequate daylight, suitable and sufficient artificial lighting will be in place and maintained in any areas that are accessible to the public. All fire safety signs will be adequately illuminated and emergency lighting will be in place and regularly maintained. The battery capacity will have a capacity of at least 15 minutes to enable to safe evacuation of the premises. Emergency lighting tests will be conducted regularly and recorded.
Any safety signs warning customers to any risks to health will comply with BS5378 1980. Free drinking water will be available at all times. A No Smoking in the Venue policy will be operated at all times and enforced within the premises. There will be seating in all activity areas, at the bar and around the venue as well as outside which will accommodate for at least 75% of the capacity. Capacity within the venue is recorded at all times via our bookings system and is available to be downloaded as a report if required. We will have a searching patrons policy in place if we are required to search customers.
The prevention of public nuisance
Between 23:00 and 08:00 there will be total sound containment within the premises.
No regulated entertainment is permitted in the outside areas between 23:00 and 08:00.
The Premises Licence Holder or nominated person shall control levels of noise from customers in the external seating area. Notices will be displayed informing customers of the need to respect local residents, where any patrons continuing to cause any disturbance or disorder will be asked to leave the premises.
The outside seating will be closed 1 hour prior to the venue closing when the premises is open after 23:00.
The pavement at the front of the premises must be kept clean. This area must be swept and cleared of any litter at the start and end of trading.
During opening hours suitable provision will be provided at the front of the premises for the collection of smoking related litter.
There will be no flashing or bright lights outside the premises and any external lighting will be directed away from adjacent occupiers.
Disposal of glass will not take place after 11 pm to minimise disturbance to others.
The protection of children from harm
Under 18's will only be allowed the venue from open until 6pm, with the last booking time being 5pm. Before 6pm, an under 18 must be accompanied by an appropriate adult at all times. A proof of age policy will be in place and all staff will be trained on how to follow this. Any refusals will be logged.