We will have brand new CCTV installed throughout the building and exits
A door supervisor will be on duty for any functions to ensure safety for all customers and public
All staff shall be trained in the requirements of the Challenge 25 policy, children will be allowed on the premises in the evenings only when attending a function with an appropriate adult
No alcohol shall be permitted outside of the premises and no speakers will be placed outside of the premises with all doors and windows kept shut to avoid noise disturbance
The prevention of crime and disorder
Alcohol for consumption on the premises, will only be consumed by persons who are seated at tables and served by waiter/waitress service.
Sunday to Thursday the Designated Premises Supervisor or Premises Licence Holder must conduct a written risk assessment for the requirement of SIA Licensed Door Supervisors this will be recorded in the incident book.
Friday to Saturday there will be one door supervisor from the hours of 20:00 until 23:00 they will be trained in the requirement of the Challenge 25 policy, the identification and recognition of drunks and the correct procedures to be followed when refusing service.
All door staff will display their SIA badge in an approved method at all times.
All door staff engaged in searching persons (as a condition of entry) shall be fully trained in the use of their powers to do so.
All staff shall be trained to perform their role including training in the contents of the premises license for times of operation, licensing activities and all conditions. This training shall be recorded in documents that will be readily available for inspection at the request at all reasonable times by an authorised officer from a relevant responsible authority.
All staff shall be trained in the requirements of the Challenge 25 policy.
An incident book shall be maintained to record any activity of violent, criminal or anti-social nature. The record will contain time and date, the nature of the incident, those involved, the action taken and details of the person responsible for the management of the premises at the time of the incident.
All staff shall be suitably trained in the operating procedures for refusing service to any person who is drunk or is under-age or appears to be under-age.
Spirits and alcohol beverages on display will be in such a position so as not to be obscured from the constant view of staff.
Door staff will be responsible for ensuring the safe, quiet and orderly dispersal of customers from the premises and the immediate vicinity of the premises during private functions. All other nights staff members will ensure this.
The Premises License Holder and Designated Premises Supervisor shall not allow any drinking vessel, glass or bottle to be taken from the premises, this includes when going outside to the smoking area.
The Premises License Holder and Designated Premises Supervisor shall ensure that the following details fr each door supervisor are contemporaneously entered into a bound register kept for that purpose: Full name, SIA certificate number, times they began and completed their duty.
The Premises License Holder will ensure that a CCTV system is fully compliant with the guidance contained in the ICO guidance document; the CCTV equipment shall be maintained in good working order and shall continuously record whilst licensing activity is taking place and for two hours after. The CCTV shall cover all areas of the premises that the public have access to including outside smoking areas and images will be retained for a minimum of 31 days. The CCTV system is capable of downloading images to a recognizable viewing format. At all times during business opening hours a member of staff shall be present who is capable of operating the CCTV system and downloading images at the request if Police or other authorised officers.
The CCTV system shall be capable of obtaining clear facial recognition images and a clear head and shoulders image of every person entering or leaving the premises.
The collection of glasses and bottles shall be undertaken at regular intervals to ensure there is no build up of empties in and around the premises. Bottle bins shall be provided at the exit doors and staff shall show due-diligence in preventing bottles and glasses being taken from the premises.
The Premises License Holder and Designated Premises Supervisor shall ensure that no alcohol is taken outside of the premises, and shall pay special attention to the impact that the use of the outside area has on the surrounding community.
The Premises License Holder shall provide a written drugs policy detailing the actions to be undertaken to minimise the opportunity to use or supply illegal substances within the premises.
The Designated Premises Supervisor shall deliver a structural training programme to all staff at regular intervals on dealing with persons who are in the possession of or incapacitated through the use of drugs or the combined effect of drugs and alcohol.
The Premises License Holder shall ensure that a clearly visible notice is displayed advising those attending, that the Police will be informed in anyone is found in possession of controlled substances or weapons.
The Designated Premises Supervisor shall ensure that security arrangements are in place where toilet areas and other similar areas are regularly checked for evidence of drug use. A record of all checks shall be kept and will be available on request from an authorised officer. Signage will also be placed in the toilet areas advising people that checks are conducted regularly.
Public safety
The maximum number of persons (including staff and entertainers) allowed at the premises shall not exceed 120, subject to the following maximum occupancies:
Ground Floor 60 persons
First Floor 60 persons
The premises license holder or designates premises supervisor shall ensure that the accommodation limit specified on the license is not exceeded and shall be aware of the number of the people on the premises at all reasonable times. This information shall be immediately available on request of any responsible authority.
Adequate sanitary accommodation shall be provided at the premises in accordance with BS 6465-I:2006+AI:2009 sanitary installations.
In the absence of adequate daylight artificial lighting in any area accessible to the public shall be fully operational whilst the public are present.
A suitable and sufficient air circulation and management system will be installed within the premises which will be used during regulated entertainment. The purpose of this is to maintain a reasonable internal air temperature to ensure customers or staff do not open any windows and doors to ventilate the premises. Additional conditions are in place to prevent the opening of windows and doors to minimise noise breakout.
The prevention of public nuisance
The Designated Premises Supervisor shall ensure that during the final hour of trading appropriate announcements are made to remind customers of the need to leave the premises quietly and without causing a nuisance.
The exit door shall be kept closed to avoid noise pollution and no speakers are to be installed outside of our premises.
The Designated Premises Supervisor will assess the impact of any noisy activities on neighboring premises at the start of regulated entertainment and periodically throughout the regulated entertainment and take action to reduce noise levels if required.
Signage shall be positioned at exits to request the co-operation of customers, in particular to make as little noise as possible when leaving the premises or using the outside smoking area. Customers shall be asked to leave the vicinity as quickly and quietly as possible.
The Premises License Holder will ensure a door supervisor is positioned at the exit during private functions, to remind patrons departing of the need to avoid causing a nuisance or disturbance to local residents.
The Premises License Holder shall ensure a telephone number is made available and displayed in prominent locations for local residents to contact in the case of noise-nuisance or anti-social behaviour.
The Premises License Holder or Designated Premises Supervisor shall be available at all times during regulated entertainment and who is responsible for cooperation and liaising with any relevant responsible authority.
Between 0900 hrs and 2300 hours, to prevent entertainment being intrusive, noise emanating from the premises, so far as it is reasonably practical, will not be distinguishable above other background noises one metre from the facade of the nearest residential property.
All doors and windows shall be kept shut during any regulated entertainment and shall be maintained in good order. All staff shall check at the beginning of the regulated activity and periodically throughout that all doors and windows are shut, the Designated Premises Supervisor shall ensure that doors are not wedged open.
The windows and exit doors shall be acoustically glazed or suitably insulated to minimize noise break-out from the premises.
The designated smoking area shall be for 'smoking only' and the premises license holder or designated premises supervisor will take reasonable steps to prevent the consumption of any drinks in this area. The smoking area will be adequately monitored on CCTV to ensure that customers do not cause a nuisance, that they do not obstruct access to adjoining premises and risk of crime and disorder in the area is controlled.
signage will be in place to inform customers that they must not take drinks outside of the premises.
The smoking area will be clearly visible and suitable ash trays will be mounted and well maintained by the premises license holder and the designated premises supervisor, they will also ensure the area is regularly cleaned and discarded smoking litter is removed and properly disposed of.
The disposal of bottles, cleaning equipment and similar items shall not take place before 0900 hours or after 1800 hours when the noise generated could cause a nuisance particularly outside the building.
All the rubbish produced by the premises shall be stored securely in a designated area. The collection and removal of litter shall be taken to include the satisfactory disposal of spilled food and similar materials so as to leave the footway in a clean, safe and wholesome condition.
The protection of children from harm
The premises license holder or designated premises supervisor will ensure that all bar staff are trained in the legality and procedure of alcohol sales using an on-line training company prior to undertaking the sale of alcohol. Training shall be signed and documented and training records will be kept on the premises and be available to an enforcement officer on request.
Unaccompanied children (under 18) will not be allowed in the upstairs bar area.
During a private function children will be allowed to remain on the premises when accompanied by an appropriate adult. The premises license holder or designated premises supervisor shall have a written age verification policy in relation to the sale or supply of alcohol. This policy will include documented steps taken to prevent adults from purchasing alcohol for or on behalf of children under 18 and will specify a Challenge 25 proof of age requirement before sales of alcohol are made as approved by the Plymouth City Council Trading Standards responsible authority.