a) General - all four licensing objectives (b,c,d,e)
Alcohol can only be ordered for delivery to a residential or business address and not to a public place.
Alcohol can only be ordered for delivery to the person placing the order.
Full address details, including postcode, must be given when placing an order for alcohol.
At the time an order for alcohol is placed a declaration will be required from the person placing the order that the person is over 18 years of age.
Customers will be reminded that it is a criminal offence for a person under 18 to purchase or attempt to purchase alcohol and that it is also an offence to purchase alcohol on behalf of a person under 18.
All licence conditions pertaining to the online sale of alcohol must be part of the ‘Terms and Conditions’ which must be displayed on the website or any other promotional material and expressly brought to the attention of the buyer at the time of ordering in particular the right and obligation of the driver to refuse delivery in specified circumstances.
Drivers will not deliver alcohol to any person anywhere other than at the residential address given when the order was placed.
No Cash sales or payment on delivery.
Alcohol will only be delivered to the person who placed the order and whose name appears on the credit/debit card (if used).
Alcohol delivery will be refused if the driver considers the person receiving the delivery to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
If a delivery driver considers the recipient of alcohol to appear under 25, recognised photographic identification (refer to mandatory conditions) will be requested and must be provided evidencing the recipient to be at least 18 years of age before any alcohol is handed over.
Alcohol delivery will be refused if the delivery driver believes that the alcohol was purchased on behalf of another person who is not 18 years or over.
When executing a delivery of alcohol only pre-ordered alcohol may be carried by the delivery vehicle. With the exception of refusals and returns.
All alcohol delivery drivers will be 18 years or over.
All alcohol deliveries must be recorded contemporaneously by the driver in a legible log (kept at the premises for 12 months and available for inspection and copying on request of an authorised officer of a responsible authority) to contain:
i. Name and address of person placing an order for alcohol
ii. Full delivery address
iii. Time and date alcohol delivered
iv. Signature of the person taking delivery of alcohol
v. Form of proof of age (where applicable)
vi. If delivery refused, basis for refusal
vii. Delivery person’s name and signature
A refusal/incident/accident books must be kept at the licensed premises and in each delivery vehicle.
Training surrounding the procedures for online alcohol orders and alcohol deliveries will be undertaken.
Training shall be recorded in documentary form and shall be regularly refreshed at no greater than 6 month intervals. Training records shall be made available for inspection and copying at reasonable times upon request of an authorised officer of a responsible authority.
Protection of Children from harm
All staff and delivery drivers shall be trained in the legality and procedure of alcohol sales, using the SWERCOTS on-line training pack or equivalent, prior to undertaking the sale of alcohol and then at least every six months. Training shall be signed and documented and training records will be kept on the premises and be made available to an authorised officer of a responsible authority on request. The documentation relating to training should extend back to a period of three years and should specify the time, date and details of the persons both providing the training and receiving the training.
A sales refusal register shall be maintained to include details of all alcohol sales refused and the reason for refusal. The refusals register shall be made available to an authorised officer of a responsible authority on request.
The Premises Licence Holder or Designated Premises Supervisor shall have a written age verification policy in relation to the sale or supply of alcohol. This policy will include documented steps taken to prevent adults from purchasing alcohol for or on behalf of children under 18s and will specify a Challenge 25 proof of age requirement before sales of alcohol are made as approved by the Plymouth City Council Trading Standards responsible authority.
The Licence Holder or Designated Premises Supervisor shall ensure that new bar staff, supervisors and managers receive induction in the legality and procedure of alcohol sales, prior to undertaking the sale of alcohol. Training shall be signed and documented and training records be made available to an enforcement officer on request.