A Supply of alcohol
Any existing conditions attached to existing justices licence
The authorised hours for the sale of alcohol do not prohibit:
1. during the first twenty minutes after the end of authorised hours the consumption of the alcohol on the premises;
2. during the first twenty minutes after the end of authorised hours, the taking of the alcohol from the premises unless the alcohol is supplied or taken in an open vessel;
3. during the first thirty minutes after the end of authorised hours the consumption of the alcohol on the premises by persons taking meals there if the alcohol was supplied for consumption as ancillary to the meals;
4. consumption of the alcohol on the premises or the taking of sale or supply of alcohol to any person residing in the licensed premises;
5. the ordering of alcohol to be consumed off the premises, or the despatch by the vendor of the alcohol so ordered;
6. the sale of alcohol to a trader or club for the purposes of the trade or club;
7. the sale or supply of alcohol to any canteen or mess, being a canteen in which the sale or supply of alcohol is carried out under the authority of the Secretary of State or an authorised mess of members of Her Majesty’s naval, military or air forces;
8. the taking of alcohol from the premises by a person residing there; or
9. the supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises to any private friends of a person residing there who are bona fide entertained by him at his own expense, or the consumption of alcohol by persons so supplied; or
10. the supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises to persons employed there for the purposes of the business carried on by the holder of the licence, or the consumption of alcohol so supplied, if the liquor is supplied at the expense of their employer or of the person carrying on or in charge of the business on the premises.
B Conditions imposed by Environmental Health Representative
Public Safety
No smoking or drinking will be permitted on the dance floor
Public Nuisance
Live music, Karaoke, Disco and other amplified voice entertainment, and the facilities for dancing, will cease at 23.30 hrs Monday - Saturday and at 23.00 hrs on Sunday.
Doors and windows will be kept shut during entertainment.
Staff will check prior to entertainment, and periodically during the
entertainment, that all windows and doors are shut.
A senior member of staff (manager) will assess the impact of any noisy activities
on neighbouring premises at the start of the activity/entertainment and periodically
throughout the activity/entertainment and take action to reduce noise levels if they are found to be excessive/distinguishable above background levels at the nearest residential property
Management will control the sound levels of the music/ entertainment.
Before 23.00hrs
To prevent entertainment being intrusive, noise emanating from the premises will not be clearly audible 1 metre from the facade of the nearest residential property.
Between 23.00hrs & 00.00hrs
To prevent entertainment being intrusive, noise emanating from the premises
will not be clearly distinguishable above other noise 1 metre from the facade of the nearest residential property.
Between 00.00hrs and Closing
Noise emanating from the premises will not be distinguishable above back
ground levels 1 metre from the facade of the nearest residential property.
C Steps that have been taken to promote the four licensing objectives
An appropriate occupancy figure for the lounge bar will be maintained, such figure believed to be 80 persons or such other figure as may be agreed with the Licensing Authority and the Fire & Rescue Service based on fire safety issues, available floor space and the sanitary accommodatin available
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. CCTV is in operation at this premises and will be maintained to the satisfaction of the police
2. Customers carrying open or sealed bottles or glasses will not be admitted onto the premises
3. Customers will not be permitted to leave the premises with open containers of alcoholic or soft drinks
Public Safety
1. The fire safety measures with which the premises are provided will be maintained in good working order and their adequacy will be determined on a regular basis by the carrying out of a fire risk assessment
2. All sanitary facilities will be kept in good order and repair
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. All external doors and windows will be kept shut, other than for access and egress, in all rooms when events involving amplified music or other entertainment are likely to give rise to noise
2. The Designated Premises Supervisor or such other person so nominated by him will control the level of any music or entertainment on the premises so as not to cause a nuisance
3. Customers will be asked to leave the premises quietly and not to stand around talking in the car park after leaving the premises, in particular during the hours of darkness
4. The movement of bins and rubbish outside the premises will be kept to a minimum after 22.00hrs
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. Only photographic identification such as a photographic driving licence or passport will be accepted as proof of age