This licence is for the third Sunday of July each year only.
a) General - all four licensing objectives (b,c,d,e)
An event plan must be prepared by the event organiser that states control measures that will be implemented to satisfy each of the 4 licence objectives. The plan must be considered by the Plymouth Event Safety Group (ESAG) prior to the event. The event plan must satisfy all of the responsible authorities and ESAG members that the event will not have a negative impact on any of the 4 licensing objectives. The control measures identified in the event plan will be considered the licence conditions for the event.
We will effectively train all staff so they are aware of the premises licence requirements. We will pay particular attention to any:
- drunk and disorderly behaviour on the premises area
- any violent or anti-social behaviour
- any harm to children
- drinking outside of predetermined areas where the pubs in Devonport Road will have their own licence
As the pubs are working in close colaboration with us, we will be working closely to prevent any disorderly behaviour - referĀ to the event managemet plan for the predetermed areas
We will also ensure that an operating schedule is provided with the hours of operating and the licensable activities during those hours.
As a licensed premises we know it is necessary to carry out functions with the purpose of promoting these objective. We will support these objectives through steward training, event management planning, and strategic partnerships with other agencies and businesses, specifically the licenced premises in the event area.
b) The prevention of crime and disorder
- Clear signage across the premises indicating the terms of the premises licence
- No alcohol consumption outside of predetermined areas where the pubs in Devonport Road will have their own licence
- Training of stewards in how to address members of the public who are not using the premises in accordiance with the licence
- An approperate number of SIA personnel patrolling the site and stationed at areas of potential hightened crime and disorder, working alongside and in regular full copoeration with the SIA personnel hired by the licenced premises.
- Coperating with the CoOp regarding their off sales
c) Public safety
- An approperate number of SIA personnel patrolling the site and stationed at areas of potential hightened crime and disorder
- A record of the site surveys, ensuring that the premises is fit for purpose, with no health and safety concerns (trailing wires, damaged ground, correct signage, etc)
- SIA Personnel avaliable for securing the boundries of the event, should evicted members attempt to re-enter, and to provide a visual security deterant, and to address potential security risks (such as unauthorised vehicles entering)
d) The prevention of public nuisance
- Monitoring of sound levels from the entertainment areas
- No alcohol consumption outside of predetermined areas where the pubs in Devonport Road will have their own licence
- Provision of adequate waste receptacles for use by customers
- Socialable running hours (11.00am - 4.00pm)
e) The protection of children from harm
- Trained stewards and SIA personnel to address any underage drinking
- A suitable lost and found child policy (See the event management plan)