Annex 3 - Conditions attached after a hearing by the licensing authority - 25/02/2009
First Floor Only
(1) No entertainment involving nudity or entertainment involving any sexual content will be visible from outside of the premises
(2) Secure private changing facilities will be provided for the performers (to include private toilet and shower facilities, the numbers and design of facilities to be approved prior to installation)
(3) No persons other than performers and authorised staff shall be permitted in the changing room/s
(4) The approved adult entertainment shall only be performed by the performers/entertainers and the audience shall not be permitted to participate
(5) All entrances shall have clear notice stating:
(6) There shall be no form of physical contact between customers and the performers during approved adult entertainment other than when the performers introduces him/herself at the start of the performance and again at the conclusion of the performance or when a tip is placed in their garter/armband
(7) There shall be no physical contact between the customers and performers during the performance. At all times the performers(s) will keep a minimum distance of 3 feet away from the customers and there should be some recognisable means of measurement available to enforce this distance
(8) The premises shall be equipped with closed circuit television installed so as to cover all areas where approved adult entertainment will take place and will continually record during these performances, Recordings shall be made available only to a police officer or duly authorised officer of the Licensing Authority on request
(9) Separate toilet facilities to be installed upstairs for patrons, the numbers and design of facilities to be approved prior to their installation
(10) The electrical system, including portable appliances will be inspected and tested annually by a competent person to ensure their safety
(11) Doors and windows will be kept shut during entertainment
(12) Suitable signage at the exit to request the co-operation of patrons to make as little noise as possible when leaving the premises.
(13) Patrons will be asked not to stand around talking in the street outside the premises or any car park; and asked to leave the vicinity quickly and quietly
(14) A member of staff will be positioned at exits particularly at closing times. (Door staff should be instructed to encourage patrons to move on as quietly as possible).
(15) A specific taxi operator has been nominated for staff and customer use. The company’s telephone number is advertised to customers. The operator, and all drivers, are aware that they should arrive and depart as quietly as possible, should not sound vehicle horns as a signal of their arrival or leave engines idling unnecessarily. In addition, staff will leave as quietly as possible, particularly at night and early in the morning.
(16) A senior member of staff (manager) will assess the impact of any noisy activities on neighbouring premises at the start of the activity/entertainment and periodically throughout the activity/entertainment and take action to reduce noise levels if they are found to be excessive/distinguishable above background levels at the nearest residential property
(17) Management will control the sound levels of the music/entertainment.
(18) Between 23.00 hours and 00.00 hours: To prevent entertainment being intrusive, noise emanating from the premises will not be clearly distinguishable above other noise 1 metre from the façade of the nearest residential property.
(19) Between 00.00 hours and 02.00 hours: Noise emanating from the premises will not be distinguishable above background levels 1 metre from the facade of the nearest residential property.
(20) The first floor bar will operate only between the hours of 9pm until 2am from Thursday to Saturday of each week.
(21) No persons under the age of 21 will be permitted into the premises. An acceptable form of proof of age will be required from any person appearing to be under 25 years prior to their admission onto the premises.
(22) There will be two licensed door staff on duty at all times; one to remain on duty at the entrance and the other to monitor the premises by patrol or monitoring of CCTV at regular intervals
(23) Admission will be to members only. Full names, current address and proof of identity will be required and a Membership Book will be maintained, which will have to by signed by members each time they attend the premises
(24) The premises shall be equipped with closed circuit television installed so as to cover all areas where approved adult entertainment will take place and will continually record during these performances. Recordings shall be made available only to a police officer or duly authorised officer of the Licensing authority on request.
(25) An entry fee of £5 per person will be charged
(26) The occupancy figure for the first floor to be 75 maximum.
(27) Groups of up to 5 persons only will be permitted to enter the first floor bar
(28) There will be no external advertising or leafleting of the premises or any adult entertainment. They will cause no publication and display of obscene and indecent matter to be displayed or distributed in advertising performances being held at the premises. In addition opaque glass will be installed in the windows of the upstairs bar to screen the interior from outside view.
(29) The premise to be linked into the pub watch scheme and appropriate radio link.
(30) No persons other than the performers engaged in the approved adult entertainment shall be in the licensed/designated area in a state of undress
(31) The proprietor/director of the company is to ensure that, prior to engagement, all performers for approved adult entertainment shall provide documents of proof that they are over 18 years of age. Copies of such documents shall be retained on the performers file held at the premises.
(32) No performer shall accept or give telephone numbers from/to customers or exchange personal details with customers.
(33) No performer shall be allowed to work if, in the judgement of the management, they appear to be intoxicated or under the influence of illegal substances,
(34) The licence holder shall provide a copy of the House rules to the Licensing Authority for approval.
(35) A clear copy of these conditions and the house rules shall be given to all performers and displayed at all times in or near the performers changing room/s and each performer will sign a copy of the house rules that will be held on their personnel file.
(36) A clear copy of the house rules shall be displayed at the reception and on each table and each bar area.
(37) Performers may not: a) climb onto furniture provided for patrons, b) simulate sex acts, c) remain in a state of nudity when they have completed their act.
(38) Performers will wear a G-String or similar piece of clothing on the appropriate part of the body. Clothing shall be neither transparent nor removed.
(39) The premises used for adult entertainment is to be separated from the rest of the premises by installation of a lobby at the bottom of the access stairway and the lobby is to be locked when adult entertainment is not taking place.
(40) Definition: All references to striptease, nudity, lap dancing, pole dancing and entertainment of a similar nature shall be referred to in these conditions as approved adult entertainment.