Steps that have been taken to promoter the Four Licensing Objectives
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. Digital CCTV will be installed and maintained on a 24 hour basis. Cameras will cover the sales area and “back of house”. Data will be retained for a period of 31 days and will be made available to the Police for evidential purposes
2. A risk assessment will be carried out and uniformed security staff employed as necessary
3. The building will be alarmed and staff trained as to use of alarm call points within the store and mobile alarms
4. In store security staff are linked to any town or shopping centre security system where such projects are established
Public Safety
1. All measures and procedures agreed with the company’s home authorities will be implemented; Edinburgh City council for Health and Safety and West Midlands Fire Authority for Fire and Safety
2. Provision will be made for the disabled to ensure safe evacuation in the event of fire or other emergency and general access to the store
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. All measures agreed with the Company’s Home Authority. City of Westminster will be implemented in relation to Trading Standards and Environmental Health
2. All planning requirements will be met and procedures established to prevent noise nuisance from deliveries and all plant and machinery
3. Measures will be in place to ensure the safe disposal of all waste and the company’s stores are registered under the environmental agency scheme
4. The Company is a member of the Packaging Waste Compliance Scheme the fees for which go towards funding recycling
5. The Challenge 21 scheme is in operation
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. Staff training to ensure that in case of any doubt whether a purchaser is over the age of 18 to refuse sale of alcohol unless valid identification is produced
2. Till prompts remind staff at point of sale of alcohol to ensure the purchaser is over 18
3. All displays of alcohol are appropriately ticketed to advise purchasers that it is an offence for those under 18 to purchase alcohol
4. Till points will be monitored by the digital CCTV system