Overnight working will be required between 23:00-07:00 on the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th (inclusive) June 2024 to allow for technical changeovers between show days for the Summer Sessions.
Technical changeovers: A technical changeover is defined as rigging and derigging equipment from the main stage and plotting and focussing of concert lighting only.
- Works will be confined to the main stage area and backstage loading area.
- All works will be carried out in a controlled manner by qualified industry professionals.
- Any lighting that is plotted and focussed overnight will not face in the direction of any residential property (the stage is positioned toward the Citadel). No strobes will be tested overnight.
- There will be no testing of any audio equipment overnight, total sound containment will be maintained. No sound checks will occur overnight.
Steps that have been taken to promote the Four Licensing Objectives
1. The Premises Licence Holder shall submit the final Event Management Plan (EMP) that has been approved by the Events Team to the Licensing Authority and all responsible authorities at least 28 days before the first event day (unless there is prior agreement with the responsible authorities that this is not required). The Event Management Plan shall include but is not limited to the following:-
Event overview including expected numbers and crowd demographics
Flow chart of operational roles and responsibilities
Vehicle access plan
Communication plan
Cancellation policy
CDM plan
Crowd management plan including Ingress and Egress Management Plan
CT and security plan
Medical plan
Emergency and contingency plans including adverse weather plan
Evacuation plan
Bars and alcohol management plan
Safeguarding plan for children and vulnerable adults
Disability access plan
List of contractors
Full Risk Assessments including a specific Fire Risk Assessment and COVID-19 Risk Assessment
Traffic Management Plan including additional transport planning and considerations
Noise Management Plan
Terms and Conditions of Entry (If applicable)
Food Management Plan consisting of:- Food Safety Management System (of any of your traders), Food Hygiene Training Certificates (of any of your traders)
Copy of Food Hygiene Rating Sticker (we only accept 3 or higher within our land)
Waste Management Plan
2. So far as is reasonably practicable the Premises Licence Holder shall ensure that the event is run in accordance with the Event Management Plan and no changes may be made to this plan after the 28 day period, unless requested in writing by a responsible authority.
3. The EMP will form part of the premises licence conditions and it will be the responsibility of the persons as advised in the organisational structure chart of the event management plan to ensure these are complied with.
4. External event organisers are required to comply with the same standards as for PCC organised events. They are required to complete an event booking form, produce requested documentation and agree to comply with our requirements.
5. It will work closely on site with both police and private security to aim to achieve a safe environment.
6. On events where the retail sale of alcohol is to take place, the contracted company will supply a personal licence holder to become the designated premises supervisor for the duration of the contract.
7. The police are to be advised in writing of all events using the premises licence where alcohol is being sold. This document shall include the name and contact details of the DPS at least 4 weeks prior to the event. The numbers expected at the event and the number of units and locations of the units being used to retail the sale of alcohol.
Prevention of Crime and Disorder
The Council will have
1. Specific meetings with police Ops planning for individual events regarding police presence where necessary.
2. SIA registered private security contracted in as necessary, with appropriate levels of staffing.
3. Reference to previous years events, levels of staffing adjusted according to results.
4. PCC stewards patrolling to report incidents, assist public and to be in two way communication by radio.
5. Events where alcohol is being sold will use whenever possible, recyclable materials. The use and type of receptacle will be risk assessed and the event organiser will be advised of the types of receptacle allowed by both the Police Licensing and Local Authority Licensing departments in writing.
6. Central control point for emergency services and council officers to liaise.
7. Communication list and protocols in place.
Public Safety
1. .Specific meetings with emergency services for individual events including liaison and presentations to the Events Safety Advisory Group (ESAG) as required.
2. Adherence to the Purple Guide to Health, Safety and Welfare at Music and other Events regarding all levels of security and stewarding staffing, policing for public provision.
3. Adherence to HSE Managing Crowds Safety Guidance.
4. Production of all relevant documentation - risk assessment, fire risk assessment, evacuation plan, site maps, emergency procedures, communication list.
5. Maintaining of emergency access points, fire lanes and hydrants. Follow relevant codes of practice regarding: marquees, fireworks, bonfires, laser shows, fire extinguishers.
6. Suspension of vehicle movement on site during events.
7. On site health and safety inspections where needed: fairs, circuses, fireworks.
8. Ensuring other event organisers meet and supply the information needed in our conditions of use of the Hoe.
9. Periodic inspections of other organisations events.
10. Provision of toilets and catering facilities.
11. Contracted stewarding, medical and stewarding companies at events.
12. Emergency lighting on site where necessary.
13. Checking sub-contractors documentation test certificates, food hygiene, LPG, test certificates for fairs, insurance.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
1. Liaise with Public Protection regarding environmental regulations, noise levels.
2. Post event litter arrangements to be in place litter pick and waste removal.
3. Events to finish by 23.00hrs to reduce anti-social behaviour.
4. Hush generators only to be used overnight.
5. Attractions to have a wind down period to allow for public dispersal.
6. Traffic management plan to be in place for all large events and events which incur road closures.
7. To work with Police, PCC Highways and Transport Teams regarding the implementation of Traffic Management plans.
Protection of Children from Harm
1. Lost children provision on site.
2. CRB checked staff to deal with this provision.
3. Facility to have announcements as laid out in the guidance forms.
4. Hoe events are socially inclusive and gamily orientated.
5. Liaison with police on site/social services out of hours team.
6. Stewards and security patrols to assist and aid.
7. A Personal Licence Holder will be on site throughout the time alcohol is being sold.
8. All alcohol sales will be subject to a Challenge 25 policy.
9. All staff will be trained in the Challenge 25 policy.
10. Training will be documented and available for inspection by relevant authorities.