Albert Gate

32 Charlotte Street, Morice Town, Stoke, Plymouth, Devon, PL2 1RH

Premises Licence PA0209 from from 07/06/2010 to 18/04/2011

Licence holder(s)

Full NameMrs Amanda Jayne Rogers

Designated Premises Supervisor

Full NameMrs Amanda Jayne Rogers

Permitted Activities

Premises Open Hours Granted
Time FromTime To
Monday to Thursday 10:00 00:30
Friday and Saturday 10:00 01:30
Sunday 10:00 00:30
Non Standard Timings:

30 minutes after the sale of alcohol times for the follwing days:

New Years Day, Valentines Day, Thursday before Good Friday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, Sunday and Monday of all Bank Holiday Weekends, St Patricks Day, St Georges Day, St Davids Day, St Andrews Day, 23rd - 30th December (inclusive), New Years Eve from the end of permitted hours on New Years Eve to the start of permitted hours on the following day.



Activities - Times Granted
Time FromTime To
B. Exhibition of films (Indoors)
Monday to Thursday 10:00 00:00
Friday and Saturday 10:00 01:00
Sunday 10:00 00:00
Non Standard Timings:

One extra hour after the finish times shown on the following days:

New Years Day, Valentines Day, Thursday before Good Friday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, Sunday and Monday of all Bank Holiday Weekends, St Patricks Day, St Georges Day, St Davids Day, St Andrews Day, 23rd - 30th December (inclusive), New Years Eve from the end of permitted hours on New Years Eve to the start of permitted hours on the following day.


E. Performance of live music (Indoors)
Monday to Thursday 19:00 23:00
Friday and Saturday 19:00 00:00
Sunday 19:00 23:00
Non Standard Timings:

One extra hour after the finish times shown on the following days:

New Years Day, Valentines Day, Thursday before Good Friday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, Sunday and Monday of all Bank Holiday Weekends, St Patricks Day, St Georges Day, St Davids Day, St Andrews Day, 23rd - 30th December (inclusive), New Years Eve from the end of permitted hours on New Years Eve to the start of permitted hours on the following day.

F. Playing of recorded music (Indoors)
Monday to Thursday 19:00 23:00
Friday and Saturday 19:00 00:00
Sunday 19:00 23:00
Non Standard Timings:

One extra hour after the finish times shown on the following days:

New Years Day, Valentines Day, Thursday before Good Friday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, Sunday and Monday of all Bank Holiday Weekends, St Patricks Day, St Georges Day, St Davids Day, St Andrews Day, 23rd - 30th December (inclusive), New Years Eve from the end of permitted hours on New Years Eve to the start of permitted hours on the following day.

G. Performance of dance (Indoors)
Monday to Thursday 19:00 23:00
Friday and Saturday 19:00 00:00
Sunday 19:00 23:00
Non Standard Timings:

One extra hour after the finish times shown on the following days:

New Years Day, Valentines Day, Thursday before Good Friday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, Sunday and Monday of all Bank Holiday Weekends, St Patricks Day, St Georges Day, St Davids Day, St Andrews Day, 23rd - 30th December (inclusive), New Years Eve from the end of permitted hours on New Years Eve to the start of permitted hours on the following day.


H. Entertainment of a similar description to that falling within E, F, or G (Indoors)
Monday to Thursday 19:00 23:00
Friday and Saturday 19:00 00:00
Sunday 19:00 23:00
Non Standard Timings:

One extra hour after the finish times shown on the following days:

New Years Day, Valentines Day, Thursday before Good Friday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, Sunday and Monday of all Bank Holiday Weekends, St Patricks Day, St Georges Day, St Davids Day, St Andrews Day, 23rd - 30th December (inclusive), New Years Eve from the end of permitted hours on New Years Eve to the start of permitted hours on the following day.

J. Sale and Supply of alcohol for consumption ON and OFF the premises
Monday to Thursday 10:00 00:00
Friday and Saturday 10:00 01:00
Sunday 10:00 00:00
Non Standard Timings:

One extra hour after the finish times shown on the following days:

New Years Day, Valentines Day, Thursday before Good Friday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, Sunday and Monday of all Bank Holiday Weekends, St Patricks Day, St Georges Day, St Davids Day, St Andrews Day, 23rd - 30th December (inclusive), New Years Eve from the end of permitted hours on New Years Eve to the start of permitted hours on the following day.


Additional Conditions