The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. The area given over to the display of alcohol will be no more than 15% of the sales area
2. All spirits to be behind the counter area
3. CCTV shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Police and Licensing Authority and maintained in good working order. All cameras shall record continuously during trading hours and for 1 hour afterwards. The time and date shall be displayed on the recordings, shall be maintained for a period of 31 days and handed to the Police or the Licensing Authority for evidential purposes on request. If the CCTV equipment fails, steps shall be taken to put the equipment back into action. A notice shall be displayed at the entrance to the premises advising the CCTV is in operation.
4. There will be a personal licence holder on the premises at all times except in exceptional circumstances (e.g. sickness)
Public Safety
On-going risk assessments to comply with Health and Safety legislation
The Protection of Children from Harm
1. All staff to be specifically trained in proxy sales and signage to deter proxy sales will be displayed
2. Notices to be displayed in store stating that it is an offence for under 18’s to purchase alcohol
3. A proof of age scheme, such as Challenge 25, shall be operated at the premises where the only acceptable forms of identification are recognised photographic identification cards such as driving licence, passport or proof of age cards bearing the PASS mark hologram
4. Suitable signage advertising the proof of age scheme will be displayed in prominent locations in the premises
5. All staff members engaged, or to be engaged, in selling alcohol on the premises shall have received the following training in age-restricted sales
The premises licence holder will ensure that all staff members engaged in selling alcohol on the premises shall receive induction training as to the lawful selling of age restricted products prior to the selling of such products, and verbal reinforcement/refresher training thereafter at intervals not more than six months, with date and time of the verbal reinforcement/refresher training documented
All age-restricted sale training undertaken by staff members shall be fully documented and recorded. All training records shall be made available to Police, Council Officers and Trading Standards Service upon request
6. The premises shall at all times maintain and operate an age-restricted sales refusal recording system (either in book or electronic form) which shall be reviewed by the Designated Premises Supervisor at intervals not to exceed 4 weeks, and feedback given to staff as relevant. The refusal recording system to be signed and dated by the Designated Premises Supervisor at the time of each review. The refusals recording system shall be available upon request to Police staff, Local Authority staff and Trading Standards service