A.1 All staff shall be suitably trained for their job function in the operating standards for the premises. The training shall be under constant review.
A.2 All staff will be fully trained to perform their role. They will also be trained in the contents of the premises licence including times of operation, licensable activities and all conditions.
A.3 The training will be recorded in documentary form that will be available for inspection on at the time of a request by a member of any relevant authority. The records will be retained for at least 12months.
A.5 All staff shall be trained in the requirements of the Challenge 21 or 25 policies (depending on which is operated by the premises) the identification & recognition of drunks and the correct procedure to be followed when refusing service.
A.6 Training will be repeated at least every 4 months and will be recorded in documentary form that will kept at the premises and be available for inspection at the time of request by a member of any relevant authority. The records will be retained for at least 12months.
A.7 An incident book shall be maintained to record any activity of a violent, criminal or anti social nature. The record will contain the time and date, the nature of the incident, the people involved, the action taken and details of the person responsible for the management of the premises at the time of the incident..
A.8 The incident book will be available for inspection at the time of request by a member of any relevant authority. The records will be retained for at least 12months.
A.9 All staff shall be suitably trained in the operating procedures for refusing service to any person who is drunk or is under age or appears to be under age.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
A.26 No customers carrying open or sealed bottles cans or other receptacles containing alcoholic liquor shall be admitted to the premises at any time that the premises are open to the public.
A.31 The collection of glasses and bottles will be undertaken at regular intervals to ensure there is no build up of empty receptacles in and around the premises
A.35 Any outside area within the control of the premises or occupied by patrons of the premises will be suitably managed and controlled and be the subject of regular glass/bottle collections
A.36 The Licence holder and Designated Premises Supervisor will ensure that any outside area included in the licence will be controlled in a safe and effective manner to the same standard operated within the premises building and will pay special attention to the impact that the use of the outside area has on the surrounding community.
A.38 The Premises Licence Holder will ensure that a CCTV system which is fully compliant with the guidance contained in the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) guidance document regarding installation of CCTV.
A.39 The CCTV will cover all areas of the premises to which the public have access including any outside areas
A.40 Images will be retained for a minimum of 31 days
A.41 The system will be capable of downloading images to a recognizable viewable format.
A.42 At all times the premises are open for business a member of staff will be present who is capable of operating the system and downloading images at the request of police or a member of a responsible authority.
A.43 The CCTV system will be capable of obtaining clear facial recognition images and a clear head and shoulders image of every person entering or leaving the premises.
A.44 The Premises Licence Holder or nominated person shall provide and maintain suitable and sufficient CCTV surveillance systems to a specification provided by the Police Licensing Team, Charles Cross Police Station, Plymouth
A.45 The Premises Licence Holder or nominated person shall notify the Police Licensing Team, Charles Cross Police Station, Plymouth on any occasion when the CCTV or radio system is inoperative during normal opening hours and shall then notify them when measures have been taken to restore the system.
A.48 The CCTV system will be capable of obtaining a clear head and shoulders image of every person entering the premises on the CCTV system, where practicable, persons entering premises should be asked to remove headwear.
A.49 The CCTV system shall incorporate a recording facility which shall be retained and stored in a suitable and secure manner for a minimum of 31 days. A system shall be in place to maintain the integrity of the recorded image and a complete audit trail maintained. The system will comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and all signs as required will be clearly displayed. The system will be maintained and fully operational throughout the hours that the premises are open for any licensable activity. For premises using a video recording systems, to maintain the quality of the recorded image the cassette tape shall be used on no more than 12 occasions.
A.50 The CCTV system must be registered with the Office of the Information Commissioner (ICO)
A.51 The positions of all CCTV cameras shall be clearly shown on the deposited plans and any alteration to the system should only be carried out after consultation with the Police Licensing Team. Charles Cross Police Station, Plymouth
A.52 There will be no admissions or readmissions to the premises after 24:00hrs
A.53 The Designated Premises Supervisor will provide written details of any person nominated to manage the premises in their absence. The person nominated should preferably be a personal licence holder. These details should be kept on the licenced premises and produced on request to the police or member of a responsible authority.
A.54 The Premises Licence Holder or nominated person shall ensure adequate first aid provision is available at all reasonable times to include having at least __ trained first-aiders on the premises at all times the premises are being operated.
A.55 The Premises Licence Holder or nominated person and shall produce evidence to demonstrate that all managers and staff are suitably trained in all aspects of the safe and efficient running of the venue.
A.56 The Premises Licence holder will provide a written drugs policy detailing the actions to be undertaken to minimize the opportunity to use or supply illegal substances within the premises.
A.64 Where a premises that do not have a ‘Drug Safe’, all seized items shall be delivered to a police station by a responsible member of staff at the conclusion of the days trading.
Public Safety
C.8 The Licence Holder or nominated person shall ensure that when people with disabilities are present, adequate arrangements shall exist to enable their safe evacuation in the event of an emergency. Staff shall be aware of disabilities and react according to a pre-determined plan.
C.9 People with disabilities on the premises shall be made aware of the arrangements in place to enable their safe evacuation in the event of an emergency.
C.10 All escape routes and exits shall be kept unobstructed, in good order with non-slippery and even surfaces, free of trip hazards and be clearly identified.
C11. All exit doors, whenever the premises are occupied, shall be easily openable in the case of an emergency, without the use of a key, card, code or similar means.
C.12 All exit doors shall be regularly checked to ensure that they function satisfactorily and a record of the checks shall be kept on the premises.
C.13 Any removable security fastenings shall be removed from all exit doors whenever the premises are open to the public or occupied by staff.
C.14 All fire doors shall be not locked, obstructed or otherwise obscured whenever the premises are open to the public or occupied by staff.
C.15 Fire resisting doors to ducts, service shafts, and cupboards shall be kept locked shut to prevent unauthorised access and integrity.
C.16 The edge of the treads of steps, stairways, and height restricted walkways shall be suitably marked to draw the attention of the customer to the hazard.
C.17 Hangings, curtains, and temporary decorations shall be maintained flame retardant.
C.18 Curtains, hangings and draperies other than small window curtains will normally be required to be of non-combustible, inherently non-flammable or durably flame-proofed fabric.
C.19 Effective guards to prevent contact with curtains, drapes and other combustible materials shall be fitted to all lamps, lanterns, lighting appliances and other apparatus in close proximity to the stages, which are liable to become heated.
C20 Curtains, hangings and temporary decorations shall be arranged so as not to obstruct exits, fire safety signs or fire-fighting equipment.
C21 Management lighting - In the absence of adequate daylight the management lighting in any area accessible to the public shall be fully in operation whilst the public are present.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
B.1 The Licence Holder or nominated person shall erect and maintain suitable and sufficient conspicuous signage on the exterior of the premises advising patrons that causing any disturbance or disorder in a queue will result in admission being refused.
B.2 The Licence Holder or nominated person shall arrange adequate supervision of any queue which may form to gain entry to the premises.
B.3 The Licence Holder or nominated person shall ensure that during the final hour of trading appropriate announcements are made or images are projected to remind patrons of the need to leave the premises quietly without causing annoyance, nuisance or disturbance to local residents and to advise patrons of any taxi free-phone or collection arrangements available upon the premises.
B.4 The Licence Holder or nominated person shall erect and maintain in a prominent position at every exit a clear and conspicuous notice requesting patrons to avoid causing noise, nuisance or disturbance to local residents.
B.5 Prominent, clear and legible notices shall be displayed at all exits requesting that patrons respect the needs of local residents and to leave the premises and the area quietly.
B.6 The Licence Holder or nominated person shall ensure sufficient door staff are employed at exits from the premises to remind departing patrons of the need to avoid causing nuisance or disturbance to local residents.
B.7 Suitable signage will be positioned at exits to request the co-operation of patrons, in particular to make as little noise as possible when leaving the premises.
B.8 Patrons will be asked not to stand around talking in the street outside the premises or any car park; and asked to leave the vicinity quickly and quietly.
B.9 An announcement will be made prior to closing requesting patron’s co-operation in leaving the premises and vicinity as quickly and quietly as possible.
B.15 The Licence Holder or nominated person will ensure that patrons using designated smoking areas on and off the premises right supervised.
B.17 Doors and windows will be kept shut during live or regulated entertainment.
B.18 All doors and windows shall be maintained in good order and where appropriate acoustically sealed to minimize noise breakout.
B.22 The Licence Holder or nominated person shall ensure that self-closing doors are not wedged open during regulated entertainment.
B.24 The emergency exits shall be well fitting and are kept shut during opening hours
B.25 The emergency exits shall be well fitting and are kept shut during regulated entertainment.
B.26 The performance of live and recorded entertainment outside the premises will stop at 23:00hrs.
B.27 The Licence Holder or nominated person will control the sound levels during regulated entertainment.
B.30 Staff will check prior to the commencement of regulated entertainment, and periodically during the performance, that all windows and doors are shut.
B.33 To prevent entertainment being intrusive, noise emanating from the premises will not be distinguishable above other background noise one metre from the façade of the nearest residential property.
B.35 From Opening and 01.00hrs - To prevent entertainment being intrusive, noise emanating from the premises will not be clearly distinguishable above other noise in any neighbouring residential property. (You should not be able to identify the tune above normal background noise although you may still be able to hear something).
B.36 Between 01.00hrs and Closing - Noise emanating from the premises will not be distinguishable above background noise levels in any neighbouring residential property. (You should not be able to hear your music above normal background noise levels and only faintly hear it during lulls in background noise levels).
B.38 Between 23.00hrs and 00.00hrs - To prevent entertainment being intrusive, noise emanating from the premises will not be clearly distinguishable above other noise 1 metre from the facade of the nearest residential property.
B.41 The Licence Holder shall nominate a senior member of staff as the person responsible for the management, supervision, compliance with licensing conditions and general control of regulated entertainment. This person will also be responsible for instructing performers on the restrictions and controls to be applied.
B.42 The Licence Holder or nominated person will assess the impact of any noisy activities on neighbouring premises at the start of the activity/entertainment and periodically throughout the activity/entertainment and take action to reduce noise levels if they are found to be excessive/distinguishable above background levels at the nearest residential property.
B.43 The Licence Holder or nominated person will assess the impact of any noisy activities on neighbouring premises at the start of the activity/entertainment and periodically throughout the activity/entertainment and take any action to ensure compliance with existing licensing conditions.
B.44 The Licence Holder or nominated person will be available at all times during regulated entertainment and who is responsible for cooperating and liaising with police and other responsible authorities.
B.45 The Licence Holder or nominated person will check prior to entertainment and periodically during the entertainment that all windows and doors are shut.
B.46 A written log will be kept of all noise complaints received and reference to any remedial action that to control noise and other disturbance.
B.47 The written log will be kept on the premises at all times and be available for inspection by any responsible authority on request.
B.48 A senior member of staff will be nominated each day, as the person responsible for the management, supervision and control of regulated entertainment or similar events, including recorded music. This person will be responsible for instructing performers on the restrictions and controls to be applied.
B.49 The handling of kegs, bottles cleaning equipment, bottle disposal and similar items will not take place in the late evening or early morning when the noise generated could cause a nuisance particularly outside the buildings.
B.57 The handling of kegs, bottles cleaning equipment, bottle disposal and similar items will not take place in the late evening or early morning when the noise generated could cause a nuisance particularly outside the buildings.
B.58 The handling of kegs, bottles cleaning equipment, bottle disposal and similar items will not take place beyond 23.00 when the noise generated could cause a nuisance particularly outside the buildings.
B.59 The delivery of goods is restricted to the normal working day.
B.63 Bottle skips and bins containing cans or bottles will not be emptied outside after 23.00hrs but will be dealt with the next day during normal office hours.
B.64 The movement of bins and rubbish outside the premises will be kept to a minimum after 11pm.
B.65 Ventilation equipment will be regularly cleaned and maintained to control the levels of odour generated by the premises.
B.66 All the rubbish produced by the premises will be stored securely in a designated area or in a bin with a tight fitting and lockable lid.
B.67 All commercial waste collection will be arranged for after 08.00hrs
B.68 Facilities for depositing litter and the collection of litter generated by patrons will be available and maintained where outside areas are provide for the use of patrons.
B.71 The Licence Holder will provide a litter receptacle of a type approved by the Environmental Services to be located in a position identified on the published plan or in the absence of such a plan in a position in the vicinity of the licensed premises.
B.72 The Licence Holder will arrange for litter dropped in the vicinity of the licensed premises to be collected and removed at the licence holder’s expense at a frequency of not less than sixty minute intervals during opening hours.
B.73 The ‘collection and removal of litter’ should be taken to include the satisfactory disposal of spilled food and similar materials so as to leave the footway in a clean, safe and wholesome condition.
B.75 The Licence Holder or nominated person will ensure that suitable ash trays or similar vessels are available for cigarette butts.
B.76 The Licence Holder or nominated person will ensure that the smoking area is regularly cleaned to ensure that all discarded cigarette butts are removed and properly disposed.
The Protection of Children from harm
D.1 If the Licence Holder is notified by the Licensing Authority in writing that it objects to the exhibition of a film specifying the grounds of objection, such film shall not be exhibited.
D.2 Not less than 28 days’ notice in writing shall be given to the Licensing Authority of any proposal to exhibit any other film which has not been classified by the British Board of Film Classification. Such a film may only be exhibited if consent has been obtained and in accordance with the terms of any such consent.
D.4 Immediately before each exhibition at the premises of a film (other than a current news-reel) passed by the British Board of Film Classification there shall be exhibited on the screen for at least five seconds in such a manner as to be easily read by all persons in the auditorium a reproduction of the certificate of the Board or, as regards a trailer, of the statement approved by the Board indicating the category of the film.
D.5 Every poster, advertisement, photograph, sketch, synopsis or programme relating to a film (other than a current news-reel) exhibited, or to be exhibited at the premises, shall indicate clearly the category of the film.
D.6 Whilst entertainment of an adult nature is taking place no person under the age of 18 shall be on the licensed premises and a clear notice shall be displayed at the entrance to the premises in a prominent position so it can be easily read by persons entering the premises in the following terms:
D.7 When performances are specially presented for children an attendant shall be stationed in the area(s) occupied by the children in the vicinity of each exit provided that, on each level occupied by children, the minimum number of attendants on duty shall be one attendant per 50 children or part thereof.
D.14 Where appropriate consideration can be given to attaching conditions to premises licenses and club premises certificates that require compliance with the Portman Group's Retailer Alert Bulletins.
D.15 The premises shall comply with Portman Group Code of Practice on the Naming, Packaging and Promotion of Alcoholic Drinks and with the Portman Group's Retailer Alert Bulletins.
D.16 The Licence Holder or nominated person shall have a written age verification policy in relation to the sale or supply of alcohol. This policy will include documented steps taken to prevent adults from purchasing alcohol for or on behalf of children under 18s and will specify a Challenge 21 proof of age requirement before sales of alcohol are made as approved by the Plymouth City Council Trading Standards responsible authority.
D.17 The Licence Holder or nominated person shall have a written age verification policy in relation to the sale or supply of alcohol. This policy will include documented steps taken to prevent adults from purchasing alcohol for or on behalf of children under 18s and will specify a Challenge 25 proof of age requirement before sales of alcohol are made as approved by the Plymouth City Council Trading Standards responsible authority.
D.19 The Licence Holder or nominated person shall ensure that new bar staff supervisors and managers are trained in the legality and procedure of alcohol sales, prior to undertaking the sale of alcohol. Training shall be signed and documented and training records be made available to an enforcement officer on request.
D.20 The Licence Holder shall ensure a sales refusal register is maintained to include details of all alcohol sales refused and the reason for refusal. The refusals register should be made available to an authorized enforcement officer on request.
D.22 Accompanied children (under 18) will only be allowed to remain on the premises between the hours of 07:00hrs and 18:00rs.