a) General - all four licensing objectives (b,c,d,e)
Maximum number of persons allowed on the premises at the same time is 4,999.
Events will be planned in accordance with current legislation such as HSG 195 outdoor events guide in line with this have the relevant safety, welfare and support infrastructure in place.
Any external partner wishing to use Plymouth City Councils licence will have to meet a strict set of conditions drawn up by PCC in line with its licence and application.
b) The prevention of crime and disorder
Events will be put before Plymouth's event safety advisory group for approval and any events will have to comply with relevant legislation. This will include the use of SIA qualified security on a radio system; they will have a competent person on site and provide a contact number. To have prior consultation with police on any event and levels of stewards and security, to effectively manage any potential crime to operate an events log to capture any issues and collate any evidence that may be required by the police.
c) Public safety
The authority will, calculate potential capacities of areas used and profile potential crowds and attendance, consider deep water risks and if these areas need to be fenced off, to have appropriate medical cover present in line with HSG 195. To put in place operationally and physically any recommendations from ESAG in line with legislation. To have a comprehensive events plan in place with all associated risk assessments insurances.
d) The prevention of public nuisance
To operate events mainly between 10:00 - 20:00 to minimize noise disruption to residents and ensure that any generators are hush/silent and conform to the recognised noise regulations. To have security on site to monitor crowds, deal with anti-social behaviour or noise. To work with the public protection team on noise levels. To have officers present and contactable by residents and businesses to address and act on any reportable issues. To ensure any cleaning arrangements are in place to stop any odours, attraction of rodents and to work with our public protection and street scene teams.
Orientation of speakers will be positioned so that all sound is directed away from residential properties.
The occupiers of premises detailed, shall be informed before the event detailing the exact times that the event will operate (including sound checks) and a contact name and telephone number should they wish to make a complaint of noise.
Details of the time, date and duration of set up and dismantling of the stage and other associated noise generating activities (refuse disposal, provision and emptying of toilets, generators etc) outside the times of the performances shall be submitted to, and approved by the Licensing Authority no later than 10 working days before the events.
During the events the noise consultant shall monitor noise levels at any sites deemed necessary by the Council during the event.
A written log will be kept of all noise complaints received and reference to any remedial action taken to control noise and other disturbance. The written log will be kept by the event organiser at all times and be available for inspection by any relevant responsible authority
e) The protection of children from harm
To look at organising family friendly events, Plymouth City Council are not intending on applying for an alcohol licence or promoting outdoor drinking, security will be present to enforce conditions or deal with behavioural problems that may cause offence such as abusive language, drug taking and violence. No adult entertainment.