Conditions agreed with Environmental Health Authority
The use of the outside area will not commence before the start of normal trading hours and will cease at 23:30 hours.
Steps taken in order to promote the four Licensing objectives
1. Staff are trained in personal and social responsibilities, underage drinking, drugs, DDA, drunkenness, fire, health & safety and potential trouble areas.
2. Responsible service to avoid drunkenness.
3. A comprehensive range of soft drinks and hot beverages.
4. A substantial food/menu offering.
5. CCTV will be fitted, operated and maintained to the satisfaction of the Chief Officer of Police.
6. Fire alarm.
7. Air conditioning provided.
8. The fire safety measures with which the premises are provided, will be maintained in good working order, and their adequacy will be determined on a regular basis, by the carrying out of a fire risk assessment, as required by, and in accordance with the Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations.
9. Undertake to maintain a safe occupancy level.
10. Monitor noise to ensure that it is kept to a level so as not to annoy neighbours.
11. List of taxi numbers available - free phone.
12. Sound levels from amplified music will be controlled so as not to cause nuisance to neighbouring properties.
13. Plant and equipment i.e. cellar cooling 24 hours and kitchen extract system will not operate beyond 23:00 hrs.
14. Communication with neighbours to ensure the avoidance of noise nuisance.
15. Provision of litterbins.
16. If a young person, who appears to be 21 or under, asks for alcohol, they will be required to prove their age before they are served, unless the bar staff are certain (from personal knowledge or because they have seen proof of age on a previous occasion) that the person is 18 or over. The forms of proof of age that will be accept are a passport, a photo driving licence, or a proof-of-age card that has the PASS accreditation hologram on it. Photocopies will not be accepted. All staff will be trained in this policy and reminded about it frequently. Records of this training will be kept.
17. A notice advising customers that they may be required to prove their age before they can buy alcohol will be displayed at the bar.
18. If the premises has gaming machines they are clearly marked for use of over 18’s only.
19. If the premises has cigarette machines they are clearly marked for the use of over 16’s only.