Maximum 4 events per year - events on a Monday only to take place on Bank Holiday weekends.
Conditions Agreed with the Police Licensing Authority
The prevention of crime and disorder
1. No glass or bottles containing alcohol will be permitted in any outside area.
2. No alcohol will be kept at the premises from 7 days after the end of the speedway season to 7 days before the start of the next season.
The protection of children from harm
1. Any person who looks or appears to be under the age of 25 years shall be asked to provide identification that they are over 18years. The following are the only forms of identification acceptable:
UK photo driving licence
PASS accredited cards
Conditions agreed with the Police Licensing Authority: Variation to licence January 2015
For events under the new permissible activity, the following will be in place:
The sale of alcohol would still only be at a bonafide Speedway event under the new licensable activity requested/ training.
The Licencing objectives and full detail of the safety procedures to be adhered to for the new permissible activity will be submitted as a full Event Safety Management Plan (ESMP- a draft version is submitted alongside this application) and notifications to the relevant responsible authorities including Fire, Police, Highways, NHS Ambulance Service for the area with final versions submitted at least 8 weeks prior to the event.
Prevention of Crime and Disorder -
For events under the new permissible activity, the following will be in place:
Speedway Arena will ensure that the Alcohol Policy, as set out in the ESMP and appendices is operated during each event with new permissible activities.
All staff shall be fully trained to perform their role. The Premises Licence Holder and/or Designated Premises Supervisor shall ensure that all staff are trained in the legality and procedure of alcohol sales, using the SWERCOTS on-line training pack or equivalent, the contents of the premises licence including times of operation, licensable activities and all conditions prior to undertaking the sale of alcohol and then at least every 12 months.
Training of staff shall be recorded in documentary form that will be available for inspection at the request at all reasonable times by an authorised officer from a relevant responsible authority. The records will be retained for at least 3 years.
No Glass or bottles containing alcohol will be permitted in any outside area
No drinks containing alcohol will be served in glass
Free drinking water will be available
The DPS will ensure that all bars are compliant with all legal requirements and are displaying appropriate signage including:
Name of Designated Premises Supervisor
Signage stating that it is an offence to purchase, or attempt to purchase, alcohol if you are under the age of 18, as per Section 149 Licensing Act 2003
Signage stating that a Challenge 25 scheme is in operation, detailing acceptable forms of ID
Bar Service
For each event all bar staff will be over 18 years of age and be trained in the prevention of underage sales to a level commensurate with their duties.
The premises licence holder shall keep an incident/refusals logbook in which full details of all incidents are recorded.
Signage notifying customers of the operation of the Challenge 25 scheme shall be displayed at the bars
A refusal register will be kept for any underage or person refused service. The record will contain the time and date, the reason, the person (if known), the action taken and details of the staff member. The register shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by an authorised officer of relevant responsible authority. The records will be retained for at least 3 years
Drinks shall be served in plastic or polycarbonate glasses.
No alcohol will be kept at the premises from 7 days after the end of the Speedway season to 7 days before the start of the next season.
Stewarding and Security
Speedway Arena will carry out an event risk assessment and develop a security operation plan.
A stewarding plan will be drawn up detailing location and responsibilities of the stewards
Speedway Arena will ensure that all door supervisors on duty at the premises wear a current identification badge issued by the Security Industry Authority (SIA),to be fully visible on the upper arm.
Speedway Arena will ensure that an incident logbook is completed throughout the duration of the event, build & break.
Public Safety
For events under the new permissible activity, the following will be in place:
The Designated Premises Supervisor and/or Responsible Person shall ensure that no open drinking vessel made of glass are taken outside the premises.
Suitable barriers will be set up across stage frontages and fencing will be used to clearly define ‘front and back of house’ - generators and electrical equipment will be fenced off
The racing trackway which in this instance is to be used as a stage will be fenced off and secure as per race day.
The following documents shall be collected in advance and available on site prior to the event opening to the public
Safety policy, risk assessments and safety method statements for any contractors or
subcontractors hired to work on the site
Structural sign offs for all demountable structures
A fire Risk Assessment will be made and a Fire Management Plan will be made
Statutory test certificates for any work equipment brought onto site, such as electrical equipment, generators, lifting equipment
Copies of gas safety certificates (undertaken by a suitably authorised gas safe engineer for gas appliances within the last 12 months) pertaining to all catering gas equipment
The event organiser shall update the ESMP with details of the planned activities to Plymouth District Council’s Environmental Health Service at least eight weeks prior to the event. This will include all relevant safety certificates and risk assessments
Event safety
Speedway Arena will provide a crowd management plan including details of full site evacuation
Speedway Arena will arrange at least one multi agency incident planning meeting prior to the event.
Gas and electricity
Speedway Arena will ensure that all site electrical installations and generators are installed and checked by a competent electrician.
A site electrical sign off certificate shall be completed before the event opens and re-signed
off daily along with the other site sign off procedures.
All Flammable Liquids will be stored in an appropriate facility. No traders will be allowed more than 1 spare gas canister. This storage facility will be out of the public space.
Medical provision
A ‘medical needs’ assessment (in accordance with the latest edition of the Purple Guide) will be undertaken to determine the level of medical provision required at the event and will be detailed in the ESMP.
Individual toilet units, not available for general public use will be sited within the medical compound.
Speedway Arena will ensure blue light vehicle access to the site is adequate and maintained for the duration of each event.
In addition to medical cover, Speedway Arena will have multiple first aiders available at any given time and ensure that there are at least four first aiders on shift. A list of First Aiders and their certification will be kept at the Production Office.
Prevention of Public Nuisance
For events under the new permissible activity, the following will be in place:
Noise Management Plan
All events would adhere to ADC authorising body and current noise restriction guidelines. Car parking and audience dispersal is under the existing Speedway arrangements
Speedway Arena will provide a point of contact to the Council for the duration of the event by nominating a named person and telephone number.
Noise Management Consultant (NMC) shall produce NMP to monitor noise and advise Speedway Arena.
The Premises Licence Holder shall ensure that suitably experienced and competent sound engineers are present at the sound control position of each venue for the duration of the
operating times.
Traffic Management
Speedway Arena will put a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) in place to ensure adequate procedures for safe entry and exit of vehicles to and from the site .This plan will also include:
Internal and external traffic management controls including contingencies
Plan to minimise traffic congestion
It will be made clear that attendees are not to park in the local private car parks and business parks as they will be clamped. People will be encouraged to use the local park and ride facility.
Green travel plan for those planning to arrive by public transport.
Details of road signs to be used.
Emergency access provision for the entry and exit of emergency service
Safe means of entry and exit for pedestrians from the car parks
Onsite vehicle management to ensure safety between vehicles and pedestrians
A safe drop off and pick up point shall be planned in with the traffic management plan to facilitate safe areas for the dropping off and collection of crew and attendees
On site speed restrictions in place (5mph) for vehicles and sufficient signage clearly displayed prior to arrival of vehicles.
Protection of Children from Harm
For events under the new permissible activity, the following will be in place:
Notices are to be displayed behind the bar informing patrons of the Challenge 25 policy
All staff shall be trained in the requirements of the Challenge 25 policies and the operating procedures for refusing service to any person who appears to be under-age
Lost Children procedure to be developed and followed by trained team members
Chaperones to work with any u16’s who are there as part of the performance - full details of the Safeguarding Policy will be use and attached as an appendix to the ESMP.
Conditions agreed with The Trading Standards Authority
1. All staff should be trained in the legality and procedure of alcohol sales, using the SWERCOTS training pack or equivalent, prior to undertaking the sale of alcohol, and then at least every six months. Training should be signed and documented and documentation should be made available to an enforcement officer on request.
2. Notices should be obtained from the Licensing Police or Safety, Health & Licensing Team, Plymouth City Council publicising the Challenge 25 scheme and shall be clearly displayed on the premises
3. A refusals register shall be kept and shall include details of alcohol sales refused and the reason for refusal. The refusals register should be made available to an enforcement officer on request