Annex 3 - Conditions attached after a hearing by the licensing authority
Licensing committee 24 September 2019 agreed the following steps as the appropriate action to be taken to promote the licensing objectives
The DPS to provide up to date telephone contact details to the Police and Council Licensing Officers so that regular contact can be maintained
Suspension of the premises licence for sale of alcohol for a period of 3 months to allow time for the implementation of the following:
All staff to be trained in the requirements of Challenge 25 policies
All staff to be suitably trained in the operating procedure for refusing service to any person who is drunk
Training shall be recorded in documentary form that will be available for inspection at the request at all reasonable times by an authorised officer from a relevant responsible authority. The records will be retained for at least 12 months.
A refusal book system shall be set up and maintained to record refusal of sales to any person who is drunk, or is under age, or appears to be under age. The record to be retained for at least 12 months and available for inspection at the request at all reasonable times by an authorised officer from a relevant responsible authority
Written evidence of completion of these requirements to be provided to the Council’s Licensing Officers before the end of the 3 month suspension period - failure to provide such evidence to result in the matter being brought back before the Committee.
No sale of high strength beers or ciders of 6.5% ABV and above.
No single cans or bottles of beer or cider will be sold