Annex 3 - Conditions attached after a hearing by the licensing authority
Review of Licence at Committee on 5th September 2006
Resolved that:
1. The licence be suspended for a period of four weeks
2. Members believed that this period of suspension would allow Mr Taylor to fully implement the following conditions:
a. Proof of age be sought from any person who appeared to those selling or supplying alcohol to be under 21 years of age and who was attempting to buy alcohol. Acceptable proof of age would be a photo I/D card from a PASS accredited scheme, photo driving licence or passport
b. If those selling or supplying alcohol refused a sale on the basis that the person had not produced suitable proof of age, then such a refusal would be recorded in a sufficiently robust refused sales log, to include the name and signature of the person who had refused the sale and full details of the refusal, which would be available for inspection by the Police, responsible authority or the licensing officer at all times
c. The premises licence holder would ensure that all staff received adequate training on the law and how to deal with requests for underage sales of alcohol, and ensure that the training was regularly updated. Such training would include how to check I/D and how to refuse a sale. A record of all training given to staff (which would include the name and signature of the member of staff concerned to confirm that they had received the training) would be kept by the premises licence holder and would be available for inspection by the Police, responsible authority or the licensing officer
d. Signage be positioned within the premises advising the customer that they would be asked for I/D if they looked under 21 years of age
e. The premises licence holder would ensure that all tills used for the sale of alcohol had a till prompt reminding staff to check the age of the person to whom they were making a sale