Conditions that have been agreed with The Police
Prevention of Crime and Disorder
1. Whenever the designated premises supervisor is not at the premises another responsible person will be nominated by the designated premises supervisor as being the person to manage the premises.
2. CCTV to be installed to comply with the UK Police Requirements for Digital CCTV Systems
3. CCTV cameras will be kept clean and maintained at all times.
4. CCTV Images will be retained for a minimum of 31 days.
5. The CCTV system will have the capability of downloading the images to a recognised format.
6. A register will be kept detailing all requests by Police for CCTV images. This will include time and date of request, time, date and location of incident, time and date of hand on to Police.
7. The Police Licensing Department will be informed if the CCTV system is not working.
8. No irresponsible drinks promotions will be offered
Protection of Children from Harm
1. Any person who looks or appears to be under the age of 25 shall be asked to provide identification that they are over the age of 18. The following are the only forms of identification acceptable.
UK photo driving licence
PASS card, (Proof of Age Standards Scheme)
2. Notices obtained from Police publicising the Challenge 25 initiative shall be clearly displayed at the entrance to the premises and behind the bar area at all times.
3. Regular and documented training of staff in relation to the prevention of under age sales
4. A register detailing the time and date, description and reason of persons being refused the purchase of alcohol will be kept.
Conditions that have been agreed with the Trading Standards Authority
Protection of Children from Harm
1. Premises to implement a ‘Think 25’ policy, as stated in the application. This means - all customers who appear under 25 years of age shall be asked to produce photo ID to purchase alcohol, tobacco and all other age restricted goods. Appropriate signage shall be positioned in the premises alerting customers to this policy.
2. All staff should be trained in the legality and procedure of alcohol sales, using the SWERCOTS training pack or equivalent, prior to undertaking the sale of alcohol and then at least every six months. Training should be signed and documented and documentation should be made available to an enforcement officer on request.
3. A refusals register shall be kept and shall include details of age restricted sales refused and the reason for refusal. The refusals register should be made available to an enforcement officer on request.
Steps that have been taken to promote The Four Licensing Objectives
1. Alcohol sited away from the store entrance, and to be kept in clear view of staff and CCTV.
2. To use EPOS systems to alert staff to confirm customers age on age related products.