Steps that have been taken to promote the Four Licensing Objectives
Prevention of Crime and Disorder
All incidents of disorder that occur in the immediate vicinity of the premise will be reported to the police as soon as possible.
A logbook will be kept of all relevant incidents that occur in the immediate vicinity of the premise and will open to police for inspection.
No glass containers will be kept of all relevant incidents that occur in the immediate vicinity of the premise and will open to police for inspection
No glass containers will be available to the public from the premise.
Customers will be encouraged to move away from the premise and not congregate in groups
Protection of Children from harm
Any child found to be in distress will be afforded assistance and if necessary the means to contact an adult of their choice.
Prevention of Public Nuisance and Public Safety
Facilities for depositing litter and the collection of litter generated by patrons will be available and maintained.
The generator will be positioned away from residential premises and positioned so that the vehicle acts as a screen.
Regular maintenance will be carried out on all plant and machinery to ensure that noise disturbance from such sources is kept to a minimum.
Any grease or spillages around the van will be cleared up promptly.
Patrons will be requested not to congregate around the van after purchasing food and requested to move on quietly.
Signage will be placed on the van requesting patron’s co-operation in not disturbing residents by keeping the noise down.