Steps that have been taken to promote the Four Licensing Objectives:
The premises will carefully risk assessed in conjunction with the relevant licensing authorities and all appropriate action taken to minimise risk in all parts of the venue.
Staff will have appropriate experience and/or training in working with young people and of running events of this type.
Work with both firmness and sensitivity to create the safest possible environment for those attending and creating the least possible intrusion upon out neighbours and the public at large.
The venue will initially be opened to smaller numbers and less frequently approx (1-2) nights a week for live performances.
Alcohol will not be sold on the premises and every effort will be made to prevent anyone bringing alcohol onto the premises.
Drugs and those under the influence of drugs will of course be rigorously excluded.
Anyone clearly under the influence of alcohol will be denied entry.
Liase at all times with local community police to obtain advice and ensure the smooth running of the venue.
At the earliest opportunity CCTV will be installed covering the performance space and the frontage of the building.
Staff will take particular care to be aware of people gathering outside the building and ensure they are not behaving in a criminal manner.
At the end of all events staff will play an active role in encouraging all attendees to leave the area promptly and quietly.
The entire building and the events themselves will be risk assessed and all appropriate action taken to minimise risk to both the public and staff including such measures as, appropriate signage, ensuring clear escapes routes, staff taking an active role in dealing with issues of alcohol, drugs and bullying/aggression.
Liase with local fire officers as part of risk assessment and incorporate any advice they may have into our action plan for ensuring the safety of the venue.
In addition to the fire alarm system indicated on premises scale plan are: measures to automatically cut all music and amplification if the fire alarm is sounded, additional emergency lighting - at the earliest opportunity an additional fire exit direct form the basement to pavement level will be added.
At least 3 members of staff will be present at all times with at least one of those having St Johns Ambulance training.
Keep an incident book recording any events which have caused individuals distress whether through accident, unwanted attention/aggression of others or complaints from within or outside the premises.
With regard to the possibility of groups of people gathering outside the venue either drunk or otherwise causing a nuisance we will keep careful note of any situation of this and be in contact with the police if this seems appropriate to avoid nuisance to others.
All staff will be CRB checked.
As a youth venue all members of staff will be acutely aware of the varying levels of vulnerability of the different ages attending the venue.
Child Protection Policy and a designated person who other staff can refer issues to if needed.
Keep a particular eye out for the safety and well-being of the younger attendees both at the venue and at the time of departure.
Any potential child protection issues will be noted in the incident book and if necessary referred to the designated child protection officer.