Asia Chic

Unit2, Eau 2, Marrowbone Slip, Plymouth, Devon, PL4 0HX

Completed application 011431 which is a New Application for Premises Licence from 15/04/2008 to indefinite


Full NameMr Edmond Rene Davari

Designated Premises Supervisor

Full NameMiss Patricia Sandra Chabrier

Permitted Activities

Premises Open Hours Requested
Time FromTime To
Monday to Saturday 10:00 23:30
Sunday 10:00 22:00
Monday to Saturday
Activities - Times Requested
Time FromTime To
F. Playing of recorded music (Indoors)
Monday to Saturday 12:00 23:30
Sunday 12:00 22:00
L. Late night refreshment (Indoors & Outdoors)
Monday to Saturday 23:00 23:30

Additional Conditions

Premises Plans