Steps that have been taken to promote the Four Licensing Objectives
Senior managers of the operating company are experienced in dealing with the general public in a safe and proper manner
One Personal Licence Holder on site
The premises are built to the latest Health & Safety legislation
All staff will receive the appropriate training, notices will be placed and announcements will be made to ensure that no public nuisance occurs
Any persons engaging in disorderly behaviour or criminal activity on the premises will either be warned and/or ejected from the premises at the discretion of the management
Any incidents of criminal activity on the premises, which come to the attention of the management, will be reported to the police promptly
Full co-operation with the Licensing Authority, Police and Fire Authority in relation to the safety of all persons entering and leaving the premises
Unaccompanied children will not be admitted
There will be a strict policy of Date of Birth/ID checks with young people, the Challenge 21 policy will be adhered to
Children are not allowed up to the bar
CCTV is installed and we have 24hour security
Signs requesting customers to leave the premises quietly
Conditions that have been agreed with The Environmental Health Authority
Prevention of Public Nuisance
General Noise Controls
Doors and windows will be kept shut during entertainment
Suitable signage at the exit to request the co-operation of patrons to make as little noise as possible when leaving the premises
An announcement will be made prior to closing requesting patrons co-operation in leaving the premises and vicinity as quietly and quickly as possible
A specific taxi operator should be nominated for staff and customers use. The company’s telephone number is advertised to customers. The operator, and all drivers, are aware that they should arrive and depart as quietly as possible, should not sound vehicle horns as a signal of their arrival or leave engines idling unnecessarily. In addition, staff will leave as quietly as possible, particularly at night and early in the morning.
Staff will check prior to entertainment, and periodically during the entertainment, that all windows and doors are shut
A senior member of staff (manager) will assess the impact of any noisy activities on neighbouring premises at the start of the activity/entertainment and periodically throughout the activity/entertainment and take action to reduce noise levels if they are found to be excessive/distinguishable above background levels at the nearest residential property.
Management will control the sound levels of the music/entertainment
Before 23.00hrs
To prevent entertainment being intrusive, noise emanating from the premises will not be clearly audible one metre from the façade of the nearest residential property
Between 23.00hrs and midnight
To prevent entertainment being intrusive, noise emanating from the premises will not be clearly distinguishable above other noise one metre from the façade of the nearest residential property
Between 00.00 and 01.00hrs
Noise emanating from the premises will not be distinguishable above background levels one metre from the façade of the nearest residential property
Outside regulated entertainment will cease at 21.00hours
Noise from Plant and Machinery
Provision of mechanical ventilation and air conditioning system will not allow noise breakout from the premises or cause a nuisance by its operation
Delivery/Collection/Storage Activities
The delivery of goods is restricted to the normal working day
Bottle skips and bins containing cans or bottles will not be emptied outside after 23.00hrs but will be dealt with the next day during normal office hours
The movement of bins and rubbish outside the premises will be kept to a minimum after 23.00hrs
There will be no adult entertainment at this premises