Steps that have been taken to promote the Four Licensing Objectives
All staff are trained and are aware of the Licensing Legislation, especially in relation to the prevention of underage sales. They are required to sign a register confirming that they have undertaken training and are aware of their responsibilities, Training is repeated at frequent intervals, at least bi-annually. Any person found to be in breach of the Company alcohol policy is subject to disciplinary proceedings. Notices are displayed in the premises advising of the licensing legislation.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
The operators of the premises will maintain a good relationship with the local police and other relevant authorities. A comprehensive digital CCTV system to be installed giving storage of images for a period of not less than 28 days. Images can be provided on to re-moveable media to authorised bodies with 48 hours notice.
Public Safety
Fire safety equipment is provided at the premises to comply with the relevant recognised standards, and staff are trained on the use of this equipment
The Protection of Children from Harm
If anyone attempting to purchase alcohol appears to be under 18, the on-duty manager is called.
The manager will only accept photographic ID as proof of age (passport, photo driving licence or PASS card). If no ID is provided no sale takes place.