Steps that have been taken to promote the four licensing objectives
To keep in mind at all times The Four Licensing Objectives, best practice and making sure there is no nuisance to neighbours or surrounding businesses. The safety of customers and the protection of children from harm will be one of our main concerns.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
There will be good relations with the police, and will promote responsible drink promotions.
Public Safety
Awareness and compliance with health, safety and fire legislation.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
Customers will be asked to leave the premise in a quiet manner, and to respect neighbours.
Deliveries will be made at a reasonable time.
The Protection of Children from Harm
Anyone appearing to be under 21 years of age will be asked to provide ID in the form of a passport or photo driving licence. If in doubt there will be no sale.
Conditions that have been agreed with The Police Licensing Authority
Crime and Disorder
A digital CCTV system will be fitted and the images recorded and kept for a minimum of 14 days
Images will be fit for purpose
The police Licensing Department will be informed if the system is out of use.