Steps that have been taken to promoter the four licensing objectives
All full time staff employed in the shop will either already hold a Personal Licence or will receive full training to obtain one.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
The Designated Premises Supervisor will be on site nearly all the hours that the shop is open.
No alcohol will be sold to anyone who appears to be already intoxicated and such persons will be asked to leave the premises. Staff will receive training in how to deal with such situations.
My staff and I will also endeavour to ensure that anyone covered by a relevant barring order (asbo, local licensees scheme, pubwatch scheme, etc.) will not be served alcohol.
I will join any local and national crime prevention schemes organised by local GCRP, the police, city council, local trader or other local licensees/off licence owners.
The Premises themselves will be alarmed and good quality deadlocks fitted to doors. All windows at the rear are already secure with metal bars and locks fitted.
Several CCTV cameras will be fitted in the retail area to deter shoplifting and for the security of staff. I will seek police advice on the positioning of these cameras. Signs will be on view in the shop to let customers know that CCTV is in use. I will ensure that film evidence is kept.
I intend to build up a good relationship with the local police and police community support officers.
Public Safety
A full health and safety assessment using a consultant from a health and safety company is soon to be carried out on the premises and any recommendations made will be acted upon.
No smoking will be allowed in the ship and notices displayed will clearly state this.
The shelving used in the shop is heavy-duty and will be securely fixed to both the wall and floor.
The premises are being completely rewired to modern standards before the shop can be refitted. A safety certificate will be issued for the rewiring by a qualified electrician.
Smoke detectors and alarms will be fitted to both public and staff only areas of the premises.
A fire extinguisher will be kept in the shop. A fire blanket will be kept in the kitchenette area. A first aid box will be kept in the staff areas of the shop.
All relevant health and safety documentation will be displayed for both staff and customers. Fire safety and evacuation procedures for customers and staff will be clearly displayed.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
Music will not be played in the shop and at all times staff (and customers if necessary) will be expected to respect the peace of local residents. Also the shop will not be open after 21.00hrs on any day so there should not be problems with noise and nuisance from customers late at night.
Any new lighting installed outside the shop will be checked to ensure that it doesn’t cause any nuisance to residents of flats above or opposite the premises.
My staff and I will endeavour to ensure that alcohol purchased from the shop is not consumed anywhere nearby and especially not on the benches situated in Frankfort Gate.
Any business waste generated by the shop will be stored correctly and cleared regularly.
The Protection of Children from Harm
My staff and I will adopt the ‘Challenge 21’ policy and will not serve alcohol to anyone who we suspect to be 21 years of age or under unless thy can produce a valid form of ID which includes a photo (a valid passport, valid photo driving licence or a proof of age card bearing the PASS hologram). Notices will be clearly displayed informing customers of this rule.
We will also refuse to serve any adult who we suspect is trying to purchase alcohol for those aged under 18.
Children under 18 who are not accompanied by an adult will not be allowed on the premises (this will be clearly stated on a sign on or near to the shop entrance). As I will not be stocking sweets, snack foods, or tobacco/cigarettes this should also help to deter children from entering the shop.