The licensee, that is the person in whose name the premises licence is issued, shall ensure that all times when the premises are open for any licensable activity, there are sufficient competent staff on duty at the premises for the purpose of fulfilling the terms and conditions of the licence and for preventing crime and disorder. The licensee shall ensure that staff will undertake training in their responsibilities. Records will be kept of training and refresher training.
The prevention of crime and disorder
Any incidents of a criminal nature that may occur on the premises will be reported to the Police. The licensee will install a comprehensive CCTV coverage at the premises and it is operated and maintained at the premises.
Public safety
Appropriate fire safety procedures are in place including fire extinguishers (form, H2O and CO2), fire blanket, internally illuminated fire exit signs, numerous smoke detectors and emergency lighting (see enclosed plan for details of locations). All appliances are inspected annually. All emergency exits shall be kept free from obstruction at all times.
The prevention of public nuisance
All customers will be asked to leave quietly. Clear and legible notices will be prominently displayed to remind customers to leave quietly and have regard to our neighbours.
The protection of children from harm
All staff will be trained for underage sales prevention regularly. A register of refused sales shall be kept and maintained on the premises.