Steps taken to promote the four Licensing objectives
Staff are banned from drinking on duty
Records maintained of any material incidents within or in immediate vicinity of premises
Availability of soft drinks, non-alcoholic drinks at all times
Food available
No drinks hoarding
Pro-active policy against "binge" drinking
Specific staff training and supervision in assessment of customer consumption and condition
Drugs warning notices on display
Zero tolerance to drugs use and dealing
Zero tolerance to offensive conduct
Toughened glassware for draught products
CCTV System in operation both internally and externally
Retention of discs for minimum of 28days
Licensed door staff to appropriate levels as necessary
Regular glass collection
Limit on numbers in premises
Policy of banning customers for misbehaviour within or in the vicinity of premises where deemed necessary and appropriate
Advisory notices eg. Noise on leaving premises
Constant monitoring of outside noise levels periodically throughout each night - Records kept
Freephone or similar taxi service
Nominated staff to deal with complaints from neighbours
Conditions that have been agreed with The Environmental Health Authority
Public Nuisance
Between 12 midnight until close
1. Noise emanating from the premises will not be distinguishable above back ground levels 1 metre from the facade of the nearest residential property.
Outside terrace areas
2. The outside front and rear terrace areas will be supervised by staff at all times to ensure the behaviour of patrons is controlled You must ensure patrons do not cause annoyance to nearby residential accommodation.
3. No music to be played in these outside areas after 21.00 hours.
4. The use of these outside areas shall cease at midnight on a Sunday and every day through until Wednesday inclusive.