Steps taken to promote the four Licensing objectives
The nature of the premises is intended to be very much that of a peaceful restaurant dedicated to good food and wine.
There will be no loud music, gaming machines, Jukebox, television, indoor sports or other enticements.
The company will at all times liaise with and act upon the advice of all statutory agencies and emergency services in this regard.
All legal obligations will be complied with.
The numbers present at any given time will not be such as to create safety issues.
All relevant warning signs will be displayed.
All noise abatement requirements will be complied with.
It is intended that from 23:00hrs each evening there will be a general "Winding down" atmosphere created and all patrons will, both by signage and staff, be asked to leave quietly and in good order.
Usual checks will be made to deter under age drinking and staff will be trained accordingly.
Any local schemes in place and police advice will be enthusiastically complied with.