Steps taken to promote the four Licensing objectives
A robust and well established training policy is in operation for all staff especially in relation to age related sales and alcohol.
Prevention of Crime and Disorder
Staff training emphasises vigilance in monitoring customer activity to minimise general theft and public disorder.
CCTV system in operation
Products identified as targets for shoplifters, which includes alcohol, are sited away from entrances/exits.
Store security is the responsibility of the manager or delegated to a designated member of staff, stores may employ security guards, specifically to control security issues.
Notices are displayed at the point of sale of alcohol advising customers of the Company's policy in relation to alcohol sales.
Designated members of staff responsible for security co-operate with local crime prevention schemes that may operate in their areas and will include regular contact with security staff operating in neighbouring retail premises and shopping centre.
Stocks of alcohol for replenishment are stored in a locked section of the storeroom.
Public safety
Fire and smoke detection equipment in place.
General staff training includes steps to ensure the safety of customers in and around the perimeter of the premises, where applicable.
Store designs ensure safe ingress and egress of customers.
Public Nuisance
All staff are trained with respect to the requirement to refuse sale of alcohol to an intoxicated customer.
All alcohol related product labelling carries a statement promoting responsible drinking.
The protection of children from harm
The company has a stated policy in relation to under sales, modelled on the British Retail Consortium's code of practice on age related sales, with specific reference to alcohol, all staff are trained in this policy. This policy requires staff to challenge any person attempting to purchase alcohol who is apparently under age and request proof of age where necessary.
Store employees are briefed on current recognised proof of age schemes and other forms of identification deemed to be acceptable as proof of age.
The company has a close working relationship with enforcement agencies such as Trading Standards, at which such issues are, from time to time discussed.